Friday, September 15, 2023


 h/t WRSA


  1. If you are sick and need to go out, the simple surgical mask is still useful to help prevent others from catching what you have, correct?

    It just won't help much in protecting you from catching something from someone else who's unmasked or otherwise.

  2. Pathe news 1947.... Or as we used to say twenty years after that "Coughs and sneezes spread diseases - use your handkerchief!" Replace the pocket handkerchief with one cleverly affixed by hooking it on yer lugs and you are at least doing something to keep your lurgy to yourself. As you say, Sir, it really isn't that difficult.

  3. I was in the 80's Navy and I know neither would work for me because I have a full beard.

    Sorry Fauci and the rest of your fanbase.

  4. Aesop, you truly have the patience of a saint and it’s clear that you take the HO very seriously. Here at ground zero Bubbasville, I have all but given up trying to explain why or how a surgical mask can mitigate transmission.

  5. I am a Operating Room Nurse (now retired), I wore a surgical mask every day at work for over 15 years, which means I've always known they were and are useless against virus.
