Friday, September 1, 2023

Anecdotal Reality


For anyone who reads this blog, but doesn't also read Divemedic :

1) Stop not doing that. He writes an eclectic collection, and covers more things we agree on than disagree, since ever. You'll find good stuff there.

2) He's recently changed ED jobs, and posted a couple of updates on how COVID is going down Florida way at his new shop. You should read them both.

I commented there, but for anyone's benefit, here's the same info I shared from hereabouts.

From an average of zero cases most of this year, my ED in Southern Califrutopia is now seeing 3-6 new COVID cases/day over the past couple of weeks.

The youngest was a patient several weeks old. The oldest was 102.

Of the ones we've seen, we've admitted exactly Z-E-R-O cases for solely COVID signs/symptoms. We routinely do COVID tests on patients we're admitting, particularly those with URI/respiratory symptoms, or suspicious chest X-rays.

None of them had COVID symptoms serious enough to merit hospitalization; the ones admitted were for other problems almost or entirely unrelated. For some of them, their signs/symptoms of COVID were so subtle as to be non-existent.

Which means five, ten, or eleventy mutations later, COVID is now "just the flu".

Three years ago was quite simply horrific. Now, for most of the ones testing positive, it's a nothingburger.

{For those curious: We use a bedside 10-minute test cassette, very similar to a home preg test. One snot swab, swished and dribbled, positive or negative. Period. Usually pops in 1-2 minutes, but the book says it's not over for 10 minutes. Whatever. Flu is a separate swab, and different test, and that one is run in the lab within an hour; it's the same one we've used for flu for a decade. COVID was never the flu, and the flu was never mistaken for COVID, now or ever.}

And the 2/3rds of staff who got double- and triple-vaxxed have all had a new case of COVID. Some of them, for the fifth or sixth time.

Of the one-third of us who refused Death Jabs, only one tested positive for COVID this time around; the rest of us are COVID-free, and have been. All the vaxxhole shit-talkers giving us endless mountains of sass for not getting the vaxx two years ago are now deeply submerged, running silent, and gone deep. 

They don't want to even mention the topic any more.

This last is completely understandable, because no one likes seconds on a shitburger.

The death rate during peak initial-wave COVID was 1-3%. Annual flu is 0.1%, since before anyone reading this was born.

If anyone is dying of COVID now, they're either extremely fragile, or someone was holding a pillow over their face to get their life insurance.

Wash your hands, and stay home if you're sick. Kids too. I still don't want your goddamned colds and flu bugs. Once school is back in session, all your mindless little juvenile spawn become petrie dishes for whatever URI crud has been waiting to spring free and sweep the nation, just like it does every year.

If you get sick, a URI virus wants rest, and fluids (alcohol and caffeine are diuretics, and make URIs worse, not better). Think water, gatorade/non-caffeinated sports drinks, soup, jello, etc. If you aren't peeing crystal clear, you're under-hydrated.

And COVID or not, unless your SpO2 reading is <90% on room air, no one cares. (Fingertip pulse oximeters to check your SpO2 go for $12 on Amazon and under $20 at the drug store, and they work fabulously well. You should have put one in your first aid kit three years ago, and/or keep one in the household medical cabinet, beside your thermometer.)

Don't come to the ED if you're not sicker than that; stay your ass home and self-treat. If you're panicky, call your family doctor for a prescription. Ivermectin is now an approved treatment for COVID, btw, and the EUA for most of the COVID experimental Death Vaxxes has been rescinded. Avoid all of them like the plague itself.

But anyone telling you to be afraid of COVID at this point is trying to steal another election. And/or has a 60 IQ. (The two are not only not mutually exclusive, they tend to be the same circle on a Venn diagram.)

And for the 12 millionth time: If you ever wore a simple face diaper mask, with the misbegotten impression that was to protect yourself from anything, you're in the same diagram circles, above. And always were. Like we told you, then and now.

That concludes your 2023 COVID briefing.

TL;DR: You have actual real issues to deal with. Bank real assets; stockpile food; and you never have enough sturdy boots, sturdy friends, and ready ammunition. Hard days are coming.

See to all that, if you please.

The unravelling of society accelerates exactly like a pandemic curve: slowly, then all at once.


Pat H. said...

All above is true and correct.

Pat H.
University of North Carolina

BigCountryExpat said...

Quick Question of a serious nature: How does one inject Ivermectin if 'theoretically' one were to have a goodly amount of the liquid form, new and ready to go, with the proper 'dosage by pound' info available? Intramuscular?, or in the Fatty side like Ozempic and other drugs like Insulin?, or "Junkie Style" i.e. find a vein?... just for curiosities sake doncha know?

Aesop said...

Serious answer:
Dosing info for it for humans is only given for P.O. and topical cream formulations.
I defer to veterinarians and their guidelines for human-sized animals.
From the American Veterinary Medicine Association website:

"Animal drugs are often highly concentrated — especially those used in large animals such as horses and cows— and high doses of those drugs could be highly toxic in humans.

Ivermectin overdoses can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hypotension, itchiness, hives, dizziness, loss of balance, seizures, and coma. Some overdoses can be fatal.

" recent call to [the] poison control center from a woman whose boyfriend, a man in his 30s, had eaten the full contents of an oral administration syringe of horse-deworming ivermectin paste. The dose would have been appropriate for a 1,250-pound animal.

File that last case under: Dipshit, Northamericanus, one each.

From the FDA's website:
"Cattle: IVERMECTIN should be given only by subcutaneous injection at the recommended dose level of 200 mcg ivermectin per kilogram of body weight. Each mL of IVERMECTIN contains 10 mg of ivermectin, sufficient to treat 110 lb (50 kg) of body weight.
Not for use in humans.
IVERMECTIN Injection for Cattle and Swine has been developed specifically for use in cattle, swine, reindeer and American bison only. This product should not be used in other animal species as severe adverse reactions, including fatalities in dogs may result.

That said, subcutaneous injections in humans are done in the skin on the lateral or posterior biceps, the upper outer thighs, the upper outer section of the buttocks, and/or in any of the four quadrants of the abdomen centered on the belly button (i.e. L or R of, and above or below), and no subcutaneous injection should be more than 1.5 ml of solution.
So greater amounts will require multiple injections.

A SC needle is small, short, and looks not much bigger than a mosquito's nose.
No medicine intended for SC administration should ever be injected intravenously if it isn't listed as safe to do so. Anything up to and including death or loss of limb could result.

If I were recommending, I'd recommend anyone considering using it to get an bona fide human Rx, and get human doses of the p.o. version, and taking the oral dosage, rather than trying to wing it with highly concentrated vet meds.

BTW, it's apparently a one-time thing. Repeat dosing isn't generally necessary for several months after taking it, in animal or human treatments.


Anonymous said...

Dang. Forgot to paste

RCPete said...

With respect to running silent: My regular doctor (I'm stuck with him; medical choices are slim in BFE counties in Oregon) was nagging me to get the not-Vax until July last year. When the VAERS results hit the mainstream, that appointment was noteworthy in not hearing COVID mentioned at all. Nor 6 months later for the heart/pre-diabetes followup. (Was Type II, but corrected it with diet and exercise. Go figure.)

I saw him a week ago. He mentioned the not-Vax in passing, fully expecting me to refuse. I was surprised he even brought it up. Nothing beyond mentioning it existed. FWIW, he was the "COVID Team Leader" at the big medical complex when the virus "officially" hit Flyover County in April 2020. The case I got in March didn't count, though it tested negative for Flu A and B, and the symptoms matched Kung Flu. (Two people were in hospital at the time with bad symptoms, but the state wouldn't provide COVID test kits to BFE. The doc I heard that from was not happy.)

Things have changed a bit since the beginning. OTOH, I wouldn't have been surprised to hear my doc had "left town".

SoCoRuss said...

Thanks for the Covid update from your area and linking to DM for my question to him. Good to hear from medical folks in different areas of country to figure out what's true and whats BS.

Have a couple questions for you. You said your ED uses separate tests for Covid and Flu. Was that the same tests that were done during the Covid highs? Reason is, I don't get what happened to the Flu during Covid it just disappeared? Why do you think? Were the other medical departments around country using different tests that were for both and they just picked covid for the extra money?

You had said your ED just test for covid positive or negative and dont know what variant it is. Is that the same for most ED's around country? Then how does our govt lords and masters that be, get that kind of specific variant info for the Pravda media to push the fear porn?

Tom Bridgeland said...

No recent cases of COVID in my mid-west hospital for that alone. Occasionally get some old gent who fell, and is found to have COVID. I suppose the COVID precipitated the fall since it makes people weak and tired, and it doesn't take much to make old folks fall.

But no full-bore COVID like it was 3 years ago. Only one in over a year.

Aesop said...


1) We didn't have the COVID tests until late in the pandemic.
The flu swabs haven't been changed in a decade.

2) See if you can figure out what happened to flu when:
a) all schools were closed
b) most businesses were closed
c) everyone wore masks (of any type) everywhere
d) all international and most domestic air travel was curtailed or abolished for months on months
e) every swinging Richard in creation was slathering their hands with metric fucktons of 70% isopropyl alcohol gel 10-50x/day for months going on years
Hmmm...where could all that flu go, under those conditions...?
This is about as mysterious as snow melting in July.

3) I have no wild idea what 50,000 other medical departments were doing, lacking firsthand knowledge of them.

4) The idea that hospitals (or anyone else) went for COVID for the imaginary "extra" money is one spread by people fucktardedly ignorant of the economic realities.
a) My hospital, and many others, damn near went broke during the pandemic. Many hospitals, if not every last one, lost metric fucktons of money, because all elective procedures were cancelled, which is where the money is. [Hint: the highest-paid people in medicine do plastic surgery. Plastic surgery is the only medical treatment not covered by any insurance whatsoever in 99.9% of cases; it's all done for cash up front. See if you can work out how those two things are true.]
b) The average COVID patient, live or die, was in the ICU for three weeks. That runs $10K per day, minimum. Many of them had no insurance whatsoever. So you're looking at a bill for $200K-500K, per person. Nobody works for free, so those costs come from somewhere.
c) No government program paid any hospital $200K-$500K per COVID patient. They paid a tiny fraction of that, in most cases, just barely enough to subsidize a fraction of the economic losses during the pandemic to keep multiple hospitals from closing completely, at the height of the pandemic.
d) Two years later, we still haven't replaced the staff who said "Fuck this, I'm out!" during COVID, and we're scraping ass economically every single day, and still haven't financially recovered from what the pandemic did to us. Just like 500,000 other businesses did, and are doing. We may never dig out of the hole it put us in.
e) Now, tell me about that imaginary "extra" money anyone thinks hospitals were raking in. The very idea is so recockulous it's like telling people about the time you and Bigfoot flew your unicorns over to the Tooth Fairy's house, and then blew up the WTC on your way to pick up Elvis. Except that whopper is more plausible.

5) We weren't testing for variants. Maybe someone, somewhere, was.
AFAIK, the dotGov pulled "variant" info right out of their asses during the entire pandemic, the same as most of the other shit they were spreading throughout the pandemic, because we were asking ourselves HTF they could say anything about what variant was where during the pandemic, asking the exact question you just asked, while it was going on. We knew if we weren't testing for variants, they weren't spreading data, they were spreading rose fertilizer, known commonly nationwide at every gardening center as 100% pure bullshit.

They're still doing that.
When you extrapolate from data, you have to start with some actual data.
What they're doing is wishcasting, based on that same pure bullshit.
It's what they do.

Tucanae Services said...

Observation and a bleg:

"Don't come to the ED if you're not sicker than that; stay your ass home and self-treat. If you're panicky, call your family doctor for a prescription. Ivermectin is now an approved treatment for COVID, btw, and the EUA for most of the COVID experimental Death Vaxxes has been rescinded. Avoid all of them like the plague itself."

That's good to know, 'cuz I not heard of any of this in the typical MSM sources.

Do you have any recommendation on a decent BP reader? We have the old cuff-n-stethoscope type. Anything easier/better to use these days?

Aesop said...

Get any automatic one.

If it's inaccurate, it will generally be inaccurate the same way, i.e. always high or low, generally by the same amount, and usually not enough to matter.

Check it yourself at a doctor's office, and see the difference between your reading and theirs. Note the variation. Apply the appropriate correction if you're worried.

Home readings should be done right after you wake up, before anything else, and before life and the day piss you off and jack up your BP.

Write them down.
No one cares if it's high one day or two.

When it's consistently high, or low, day after day after day, it's time to see the doc.