Friday, June 30, 2023

SCOTUS Decides Racism Is Racism; Liberals In Shrieking Hysterics


Read it and cheer.

I'm sure the fact that the three dissenting justices were all moonbat Leftist harpies is just wild coincidence.


  1. "No black person will be able to succeed based on merit?"
    It seems the White Liberal has said the quiet part out loud...
    Just think what kind of reaction would have happened if ANY Conservative had said this statement? Whether that Conservative was White, Black, Brown or Green...They would be Lynched by the MSM, yet the MSM will give this one a pass and lots of excuses why what she wrote was "miss-read" and she didn't actually mean for it to sound quite so condescending and RACIST.

  2. Should have been decided many, many years ago.

  3. Tempest in a teapot. There is enough wiggle room in their lawyerly statements that anybody with half a brain can see that the decision allows the unis to choose anyone for any reason so long as they don't say 'we chose him/her because him/her checks this box for us'.

  4. @Landroll,
    If they choose less-qualified applicants based on race, that will become apparent, and they then leave themselves wide open for a plethora of discrimination civil suits.
    By the racial groups with the cash to hire good lawyers.
    CA already undid race-based admissions, and if even the loons on the state supreme court here can figure it out, it's dead, dead, dead.

    It never should have been a thing, nor come to this, but it took 50 years to undo the lunacy of the Berger court. Slowly but surely, that entire sad legacy is being rolled back to the shores of sanity.

  5. The salt from the Leftist tears has been wonderful to mine.
