Friday, June 23, 2023

G@#D&%%!^, "OceanGate" Was A Metaphor, Not A Design Spec!

The first guy who sends them "Windows For Dummies" is an effing legend.



  1. Oceans Gate was Heavens Gate under water. It was a very expensive Kevorkian Suicide Machine.

  2. It never works out when the galley hands take the helm.

  3. Diversity Is Our Strength.
    Windows, not so much.

  4. I had a 40 year career in mission and safety critical maritime engineering. These arseholes shit on everything I stood for because they wanted to be diverse. They all deserve to die, not just the head honcho. I hope he had enough warning to mutter "oh shit".

  5. There’s a new word for that group of Oceans Gate women…..unemployed.

  6. We're going to fire the guy who brought up safety issues, too.

  7. A new business opportunity: see the remains of two historic nautical disasters in one trip!

  8. They said you couldn't make a carbon fiber and titanium sub. Hah!

    Turns out that they were right...

  9. At a certain company I worked for, there was a requirement to transport a compact, 45,000 pound weight over a long distance on roads that varied from interstate quality to unimproved dirt roads, in the western US. The elderly lead engineer was more interested in binge watching soap operas at work than in actually working on the project, so she left me to do the actual design work. Not a problem. But when I had completed several weeks of 80+ hours, she told me that my proposal would cost the company too much money, and she had known this since the project started.
    She assigned a young, just out of school Chinese national engineer to show me how to do the design right(mind you, this was on a major DoD project intended to be used against China and or Russia...). His design was very simple, very low cost, and done very quickly. The only problem was that a test weight of 5,000 pounds was put on the prototype platform, and promptly sank into the floor of the transport vehicle. I quit in frustration(and the mask mandate) before the test after being severely chastised at a staff meeting for not being aware of costs. The prime contractor pulled the work from my client and assigned another firm to redo it; I understand that their design looked a lot like mine.
    I hate working for female managers, especially black females with no tech knowledge. Not to mention dealing with the 400 pound land whales in HR...

    1. I have long experience with female engineers. They are either technically incompetent, or emotional disasters, which causes other issues. I have never met an emotionally stable and competent female engineer.

  10. I for one am glad to not have to lost Oceangate on my resume.

    I'm all for encouraging young people to get into fields like this, but the CEO never seems to have contemplated that when it comes to things like submarines, you want the fifty year old guys, because they made it to 50 while dealing with these crafts for a reason.


    1. It would appear that there are old submariners, and diverse submariners, but there are no old, diverse submariners.

  11. They named it the "Titan". Talk about bad karma.

  12. The US Navy has been building Submarines for.over the 100 years, they have spent Billions of dollars in research and development, and yet they can't/won't send a sub that far down. When a deep sea vehicle does go to such extreme depths, it is used only once, maybe twice because the immense pressures wreck havoc on the structural integrity of the vehicle.
    For someone to think that they can build a multiple use deep sea vehicle, Built with an experimental technology and internal parts from camping world, using a WiFi game console to operate. That's beyond stupid.
    And then firing and suing the one guy who tried to warn him,
    It was always going to end this way.

  13. And....and they screwed the monitor into the carbon fiber hull,

    Because apparently they weren't able to pick up any gorilla glue at camping world, that would have required that they cross the.street to Ace Hardware. Or something.
