Saturday, June 17, 2023

Dept. Of Caprice And Whimsy

 h/t DiveMedic and USAJobs

Get your applications in quickly.

(This embiggens.)


  1. That's pretty good.

    When I saw that, I thought that railroad probably either already exists or it could. The trick is that it's not from the Pacific to the Indian Ocean it's from the shores of the Pacific to the Indian Ocean. Which means it has to be on the land of China and Russia to start, and then maybe through Pakistan and/or India.

    In which case he's saying we're going to conquer and take over those countries.

    But I like yours better.

  2. My, that is one b!#@$ch of a number of bailey bridges!

  3. The Sea Train . . . soon will be making another run.
    The Sea Train . . . promises something for everyone . . .

  4. Seems congress plans to make gravity illegal the demand everyone float to work or get a ticket for driving.
