Friday, June 23, 2023

Breaking: And The Devolution Begins In Russia


(UK Telegraph) Head of Wagner Group Launches Armed Coup Against Russian Army

Not A Joke. Read the details at the link. RTWT. It's worldwide news, as of an hour ago. I could post 80 links. All with the same details.

Putin cheerleaders' response:

(FTR, the Wagner Group was doing most of the heavy lifting, and was the one force universally - by Russian, Ukrainian, and neutral third party sources - acknowledged to be worth a damn on Russia's side in this sh*tshow. Of course, that was before Wagner Group burned through something like 80-90% casualties trying and failing to capture Bakhmut for 6 months. Prigozhin is understandably a tad pissed off about that debacle.)

Yesiree, it sure sounds like Russia's got the Ukes on the ropes, by golly, and Any Day Now™ Russian troops will conquer all of Ukraine. 

When they ride into Kiev on flying pigs.

Babylon Bee headline, tomorrow: Prigozhin Denies Coup Attempt; Russian MoD Sends Him On Next OceanGate Tour Of Titanic

@1:06ff..."one of our commanders...went a little,...funny in the head..."

And now, yet again, an appropriate air:


It's truly a sad day for everyone when a murdering ex-KGB Russian dick-tater can't hire a reliable mercenary prison-convict-hiring ruthless warlord who doesn't turn out to be a disloyal backstabbing sonofabitch.


  1. Serious question. I get the ‘I’m right nah nah I told you so ignorant dirt people’ thing. I’m sure it’s wildly satisfying if the Russians indeed lose the war in Ukraine and Nuland/Blinken et. al. get their wish and turn it into 6-7 rump states.

    My question is this, does this make you and yours more secure if the lunatics in charge of the US have no resistance outside of CONUS? Is your life better with the rainbow flag flying over the Kremlin and the pedophiles in the West turning a generation of Russians into transvestites and Satan worshippers? I mean past the whole preference of ‘republic’ (lol as if we are one) versus oligarchy or even a dictatorship, there seems to be more fundamental issues of good and evil being played out here. Maybe I’m completely off base but before I worry about voting or nonsense like that, I don’t want my kids genitalia forcibly mutilated. Or adult males waving it in front of them. Or their teachers molesting them. Or having to walk them out of a restaurant because a mutilated child molester wants to serve us food (happened tonight btw). All fun things to worry about in USA 2023 (btw check that rape/murder of a boy out in Boston, it really is emblematic of American values current year). I just struggle with the idea that while Putin or anyone else is not the personification of good by any stretch, they are bad people killing and maiming even worse people (yes I mean nato and the west). I see that as a good thing. America is evil because we promote, espouse and export evil as a matter of National policy. Is everyone here evil? No of course not, but as a whole we are all culpable for tolerating and funding a government and military that actively advocates truly evil principles and practices. I guess I’m puzzled at the support for Nuland/Blinken/Zelenskyy and others that are truly evil human beings simple because they are Team America, when the very concept they have any interest in improving your life or security is highly unlikely. The more realistic scenario is any of those people would have you executed if they didn’t still have to barely cover their intentions with the fig leaf of the state media and justus system. Reasonable minds can differ I suppose.

  2. I'm somewhat surprised at the lack of response from some of the usual idiots to this, members of the Putin Phanboys. I suppose we have to give them time to check with Putin's MoD(and see which way the wind blows). I'm really eager to see what the comic book magnate's take will be, especially after his uber-idiocy earlier this week regarding black holes...
    On a more serious note, I thought Person's open thread on the subject was quite interesting, especially with the comments:
    Using tactical nukes to take out Rostov? Opening that Pandora's Box might get the big party started sooner than I've thought(1/21/2025)

  3. No phanboys here. But man oh man are we skeptical, and logical (logical is the reason we're skeptical in case you didn't know). So we tend to disbelieve regime propaganda, right out of the regime media's mouth.

    I'll tell you what is amazing: there is no visible but masked Russian SF / militia activity in USA directed at deposing Biden. Because such wouldnt surprise me one tiny bit. This is probably why the right's resistance to communism is being classified as domestic terrorism: we knowingly do it to them, so we assume they are doing it to us.

  4. To quote Machiavelli: "I told you this was going to happen a few centuries ago!"

  5. Why is it that history shows mercenary armies tend to less than totally less than fanatically loyal to their current paymaster?

  6. Never fear, Blinkin will F this up more than it already is.

  7. @Anon 8:14P,

    You labor under so many misinformed (and frankly recockulous) impressions and delusions, the only way to proceed is to take them apart one at a time.
    "My question is this, does this make you and yours more secure if the lunatics in charge of the US have no resistance outside of CONUS?"
    Wait, so you're saying China doesn't exist now? Or Iran? North Korea? Venezuela? Most of the Turd World? Mexico? Your question, given such gaping chasm of illogic it leaps over, is prima facie too retarded to contemplate further.

    "Is your life better with the rainbow flag flying over the Kremlin and the pedophiles in the West turning a generation of Russians into transvestites and Satan worshippers?"
    Where in hell has any of that ever been suggested on this blog? Non-sequitir much??

    "I mean past the whole preference of ‘republic’ (lol as if we are one) versus oligarchy or even a dictatorship, there seems to be more fundamental issues of good and evil being played out here."
    Indeed. Like starting with maybe Russia should have stayed the fuck inside its own borders, rather than invading a sovereign neighbor three times in the last decade, and stealing a bigger hunk of not-its-own-territory each time. Discuss.
    Maybe I’m completely off base but before I worry about voting or nonsense like that, I don’t want my kids genitalia forcibly mutilated.
    As if one didn't lead inexorably to the other, but neither of which has fuck-all to do with Russia invading Ukraine. Deflection rejected.
    Or adult males waving it in front of them.
    Or their teachers molesting them.
    Or having to walk them out of a restaurant because a mutilated child molester wants to serve us food (happened tonight btw).
    So your point is you have utterly nothing to contribute to the discussion of open armed insurrection within the Russian federation, and would rather hijack this blog to talk about your favorite topics. So, what you do is, you drop the total anonymity, log into Google, and start your own free blog, and you can talk about whatever you like, without having to hijack someone else's blog and the topics thereon in order to make your points. And it's free. But then you'd have to compete in the marketplace of ideas, and gain your own audience, instead of kidnapping mine. 25 yard penalty, and loss of down.
    All fun things to worry about in USA 2023 (btw check that rape/murder of a boy out in Boston, it really is emblematic of American values current year).
    Second 25 yard penalty, and loss of down. 4th and 60 on your own goal line.

  8. (cont.)
    I just struggle with the idea that while Putin or anyone else is not the personification of good by any stretch, they are bad people killing and maiming even worse people (yes I mean nato and the west). I see that as a good thing.
    You struggle with a lot of things, not least of which, Reality. Prove me wrong: show the courage of your alleged convictions, move to Russia, and take up arms against the West. (Of course you won't do that, because you're just virtue-signalling.)
    America is evil because we promote, espouse and export evil as a matter of National policy. Is everyone here evil? No of course not, but as a whole we are all culpable for tolerating and funding a government and military that actively advocates truly evil principles and practices.
    So you're for Putin because you hate America. Noted. You could have saved a metric fuckton of electrons, and simply said that, and been done with it.
    I guess I’m puzzled at the support for Nuland/Blinken/Zelenskyy and others that are truly evil human beings simple because they are Team America, when the very concept they have any interest in improving your life or security is highly unlikely.
    I guess I'm puzzled about where in blistering fuck - and from what orifice - you pulled that much pure irrelevant and imaginary bullshit, contrary to any facts in evidence on this blog ever, from the first post to this one, inclusive.
    The more realistic scenario is any of those people would have you executed if they didn’t still have to barely cover their intentions with the fig leaf of the state media and justus system.
    The more realistic scenario is that absent the utter mountainous pile of scatalogical effluvia that you've tried to pile up and mold into an enormous Straw Man argument, you've got nothing to contribute on this entire topic except fallacy and nonsense. I dub thee "Internet Average Man". This is my shocked face.
    Reasonable minds can differ I suppose.
    If you ever offer anything reasoned, rather than excreted, please give a holler. That was just a septic dump of half-baked delusions, pulled from your underpants, and deposited here as if it had anything to do with the topic under discussion. As Master Yoda once said, "That is why you fail." But I give you full marks for spelling and grammar, so you're already ahead of most of this year's pledge class.

  9. @Anon 4:00AM,
    The replies from Putin and the Russian Ministry of Defense were plainly apparent on their multiple official sites, when this post first went up.

    So you've now outsmarted yourself by imagining that Russia itself is playing along with the "regime media"'s hoax.


    Have you ever seen a snake eat its own tail until it disappeared completely?

  10. ....And its over?! I tell ya, folks don't do coups like the coups of old. No fucktons of ammo expended, perp walks of the vanquished, Statsi trials. Just not the same...

  11. gonna come back here in a week and see how it all pans out. It's already not looking good for the 'Putin is doooooomed (again)' crowd though.

  12. I think letting Mr Wagner Corporation go into exile in Belarus is sending the wolf from the door to the backyard. He has not truly left and has not given up his intent to be the big dog. Putin should be talking to the SVR about some wet work and hoping the wolf has not subverted them already.

  13. This is beyond belief.

    The head of Putin's only decent military outfit stages armed mutiny inside Russia, and everybody on the Putin-slobbering side is still digging in that pile of horseshit, sure there's a pony under there somewhere. They'll find it Any Day Now™.

    And the few not already shit-mining are trying to blame the JoooooooooooooosS!!!

    The fucktardation on this topic is worse than Covidiocy ever was.

    Anybody: Tell the class about that time General _____________ staged an armed coup during any U.S. war, and marched his forces against Washington D.C., and how that helped the war effort.

    I'll wait, probably forever, for so much as a single reasoned answer there.

  14. The funny thing is that this weird little inconclusive putsch thing is that it has happened before in Russia.... and most of the details and motivations are still unclear over a century later.
    In fact, a lot of Russian history is murky and unclear and very illogical.

  15. It's so weird that an armed coup by a force whose logistics chain is 100% owned by the RUS MOD and contains no organic anti-air capability petered out!

    For those who believe Wagner's exiled leader will somehow be a threat in the future; I do not believe you understand how Russian and Belarusian windows operate... sometimes there is a lag.

    That Russia continues to be a clusterfuck does not ensure victory the Ukrainians. If forced to make a bet, my bet would be on another 2 to 3 years of grinding war with Russia destabilized, and Ukraine claiming a pyrrhic victory. This of course precludes the employment of tactical nuclear weapons. If nukes get involved, all bets are off. I believe nukes to be no better than a 20% chance at this point

  16. The point you hid there is that Russia is - and always has been - a shambling clusterfuck since Day One.

    And I think any move towards using nukes would be the point at which Vlad would cease being a carbon footprint, and start being a resupply point for worms and maggots.

    Leaders are frequently lunatics.

    Mass suicidal insanity among the entire ruling class is far less frequent.

  17. What is the latest with this?
    Is anything else happening?

  18. General Smedley Butler, Bonus Army from WWI, veterans crushed by WWII leaders, NWO government confirmed. Let us also not forget the Whiskey Rebellion. This country has always hated its veterans. Thirteen year Ranger here. Did ops in Iraq, Afghan, and Syria only to be thrown away as soon as injured. Private contractor after that. Now I can’t even get a job at Sig for a decent wage. There’s more than you realize in Ukraine, and I don’t especially like Putin, but he is still standing and the goals of the initial invasion have been met. Keep writing, it’s good stuff, but easy on the victory laps. Or not. We will all see how it pans out. RLTW!

  19. @Anonymous Ranger Tab,
    Smedley was an unarguable combat hero, and an insufferable peacetime communist dupe after he retired. His shill tour for the brand-new CPUSA at the height of the Depression in the 1930s was embarrassing, to both the Corps and himself, and irrevocably tarnished what could have been a fine military mind. Senility coupled with late-developing opportunistic greed is a cast-iron bitch.
    He led no insurrection, and simply beclowned himself at the end of a life otherwise well-spent.

    The Bonus Army was simply poor veterans with a bad case of Gibsmedat, demanding something that wasn't their due, years earlier than promised. Things were tough all over, but trying to hold the government hostage non-violently matches up poorly with sabers and bayonets.

    Washington put down the Whisky Rebellion with a speech.

    Ukraine is less than I realize, and I'm under no illusions about the before, the now, or the after, regardless of who loses. (In the short term, there will be no winners, which is why anyone who keeps building up the shitpile strawman that "Aesop said Ukraine is going to win" is a lying idiot with poor reading comprehension).The only object under discussion is how many losers there will be among sovereign national entities. One at least, possibly two, and potentially many more than that.

    He has met zero "goals of the invasion", he's devastated the part of Ukraine he controls, and he's brought nothing but thuggery and misery to a formerly pastoral countryside.
    Pretty much like every Russian leader in modern history.

    Which is why anything that hamstrings and guts Russian militarism and adventurism is a betterment of the world's situation, in perpetuity.

    I'm taking no victory laps this side of Putin's demise.
    Merely pointing out the P-Anon retards who keep spouting off about Putin's 97-dimensional chess game are sucking the same tailpipe they huffed with Q-Anon a few years back.

    Some people never learn.
