Thursday, April 6, 2023

Too Soon?


Please, Sweet Jesus, for the love of sanity, for his children's sake, on general principles alone, the Secret Service, somebody, ANYBODY, TACKLE HIM AND DRAG HIM TO SAFETY WITH ALL DISPATCH!!!

1) He's an anti-Not-A-Vaxxer

2) He's going to run as a Democommunist to challenge Emperor Stumblefuck Poopypants Ist, after the crookedest fakest election in US history (and after his uncle's and grandfather's shenanigans in 1960, that's saying something).

3) He's a Kennedy, FFS.

You gotta know, in your bones, exactly as 3000 stand-up comics are going to tell you by dinnertime tonight:


  1. I remember when he wanted to jail anyone who didn't believe in his climate hoax.

    anyone else remember that?

  2. Funny, I made an off the cuff remark to family the other day about his apparent candidacy, that all I see coming out of this is another dead Kennedy.

    I appreciate his efforts at imparting some clarity on the shit shots. But aside from that one moment of actual intelligence somehow seeping through, the fact remains he is unfit for purpose to begin with. He is no ally of mine, nor does he represent my interests. He must also have a deathwish if he is going to take on the regime of joey shitpants.

  3. So many jokes I'm going to skip.

  4. Like the Model 94/14 in the first picture...

    1. Nicely spotted. I first thought it was a 96, but a closer look shows you're right.

  5. He's not going to be running as a Democrat, he has the same chances as Bernie Sanders - none. Numerous court cases have held (the latest in the case of Bernie vs Hillary) that the DNC leadership have the sole right to pick the Democratic candidate(s) for office, primaries exist "to increase voter engagement and name recognition". Neither Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, or Joe Biden want RFK jr as the candidate, so he can just forget it, family legacy or not. And if Joe doesn't run, my bet is that Hillary does...

  6. Last time a Kennedy ran against an incumbent Democrat President, the Democrat (Carter) lost.

    The time before that, a Kennedy would have run against the incumbent President, but the incumbent (LBJ) suddenly decided not to run, and the Democrat VP (HHH) lost to a Republican anyway.

    This is not a good omen for Tapioca Joe's candidacy.


    1. Funny, acting like elections/voting matters. According to all public trends, Trump shoulve won in a landslide. Yet here he is, sitting in a courtroom facing (bullshit) charges while a verifiable molester/pedophile occupies the White House. Spare me the breathless prognostications. Buy more Beans, Boolits,and Bandages and keep updating your lists. Local, local, local!

  7. JFK Jr was the hat trick. He was going to run for the open New York Senate seat in 2012. Too bad for him Hillary had her eye on that seat as well. JFK Junior was the Hat trick. RFK Junior will be keeping with Democratic tradition. Keep the effing Kennedy’s out of politics. Except for Teddy they really liked that degenerate piece of shit pedophile, rapist, murdering son of a female dog in heat.

  8. Hat trick.... I don't care who you are, that there's really funny! Unless they don't know a thing about hockey...

  9. RFK is the closest thing to a Democrat I would consider voting for, and still would not. As to a triple header, I would surmise he has already considered the possibility, which is more guts than a lot of GOPers in the Senate right now. I wish him God's grace he survives.

  10. @Cincinnatus,

    Have you considered that the sole purpose of voting now is as a _defensive act_? One of the key ways the Horde manipulate elections is using unused ballots per the voting rolls. It can be prevented if a larger % of the population filled in their mail in ballot and delivered it to the election supervisor directly. The more registrations are burned thru by voting early the harder it becomes to manipulate ballots and hence outcomes.

    Democrats EXPECT GOPers to vote 80% on election day and plan accordingly.

    1. "Unused ballots"? At this point, if they even bother using paper ballots I'd assume they print them already filled out

  11. I've been listening to an interview with him by Mercola. Yeah he's to right of Scoop Jackson democrats. Which puts him to the right of >50% of the RINOs in DC

    On regulatory capture and stolen democracy he is not wrong.

    On the complete idiocy of so called "safe vaccines" he is not wrong. The vax makers have a license to print money and all w/out any actual safety testing, true efficacy testing or liability.
