Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Like Living Downwind From Auschwitz



  1. Excellent analogy Brother!

    People have an amazing capacity for willful ignorance.
    Boat Guy

  2. This morning's news had another pro football player, 31, dying of suddenly.

    While yesterday, we learned that Buffalo player who had a cardiac arrest on national television four months ago said he's going to report to training camp and resume his career.

    Good luck to them all.

  3. I've started looking for professional engineering design work again after several months of working around the house on the garden, writing, and weight training. Lots of opportunities out there, but there are catches: masks required at all times, even in one's private car, and most onerously, kill shots. I hate being "retired"; I enjoyed my design work. But I'd rather be retired than dying from the not-a-vax.
    Sigh. Time to do more work on the "Donn the Draughtsman" light fantasy stories.

  4. No Trauma without Drama. Millions dead in a world war, we are aware of the deaths because of the events. The same number just individually dying of no apparent cause, we mentally treat each death as nothing.

    The Vaxx genocide maybe the perfect crime of this century.

  5. But we've always been at war with Eastasia . . .

  6. The FDA is changing their guidance on getting shots, reducing the number and strength recommended.

    Is it a stealth admission of problems?

  7. Yes, it is.

    Other countries have already outright banned the jabs for minors, and the EUA is no longer operative.

    They're legitimately afraid if they retreat from The Jab like they retreated from Afghanistan, this ends with ropes and light pole tribunals for TPTB, to whatever level necessary.

    One can but hope.

  8. It MUST end with tribunals and hangings. The only way.
    Boat Guy
