Friday, April 7, 2023

Crazy People Walking 'Round

Got a couple of PMs asking me why the sudden flurry of posts yesterday. Everything's been a status quo shitshow and goatrope for months upon months. Lately, I've had some petty personal crap that occupied time and finances, and contributed to ennui. Sh*t happens. So I've been coasting a little bit online. Such is life.

But as the seismic foreshocks keep hammering away to anyone not catatonic, Spicy Time is definitely approaching, based on current course and speed. We are in unquestionable full Banana Republic status. All it needs now is a currency collapse or revolution to cement that in concrete to the neck. We may yet get both.

Even a few Normies are starting to twig to it. Just a bit. (Hell, who knows? Maybe Hannity or VDH will trip over it at some point, hopefully before molotov cocktails are the local drink of choice.)

But given a little prompting, and a day that's been an embarrassment of riches for commentary and public mockery? Yeah, I'm thinking I'm back.


  1. I think VDH did with his French Revolution post.

  2. That's more of a "Heavens to Betsy!" response than a "Let's storm the Bastille!" post.

    It's epic for him, but on a global scale, it's a sternly-worded letter of protest.
    Call me when he starts mixing up molotovs while he blogs.

  3. Aesop, it does seem that events have picked up in pace and in scope. Perhaps we have reached the high point of the trajectory and gravity has taken over.

  4. VDH's French Revolution post is fine reading. However the 2nd scenario he says may be the future has already happened. YMMV

    "Second, the revolution has so warped our legal system, our voting on Election Day, and the FBI, the CIA, the Justice Department, and the IRS, that even a despised, unpopular Left will “win” elections."

  5. Welcome back, Brother! Life does have a way of vying for attention.

    Perhaps VDH is making tannerite instead?

    Boat Guy

  6. Very happy you had the time . . . !
