Monday, January 25, 2021

For Your Notebook


BCE had some information regarding large green armored thingies, in a post with a picture, which has subsequently been put on the bulletin board at WRSA as well, today.

Look at the iconic post-Tiananmen Square Massacre picture above. Then read Big Country Expat's post. Afterwards, we simply refer you to the picture below, without further comment, other than to direct you to embiggen it, and note the object at the center of the yellow circle.

(If we had pictures this good of a newly painted M1A2, showing the opposite (right) side, or the front hull, we'd have posted those as well.)


  1. If you do a search for a video of this incident, you can see the column of 18 vehicles moving towards this guy, and then stop. They were traveling with barrels forward, and he did indeed delay them for a couple of minutes - for whatever that was worth.

  2. Ok, What is the object in
    the circle?

  3. Pull handle to dispense tank crew.

  4. Nice pic! Had trouble finding one that could show the pull handle!

  5. Having nothing to do with this post, I just thought I'd share an article from the previous Commandant of my beloved Corps, to show how deeply the rot has set in. There was a time when Commandants were the bulwark against social justice madness. This guy is a torchbearer.

  6. Ammonia? Household or aqua?
    John in Indy

  7. That is some dumbass place to put the ripcord!

  8. Halon, Pull that handle and everyone who can will get out of the tank. Those that can't will die in their seats. Anyone with any sense who hears the discharge will be running upwind or cross wind away as fast as their little feet will carry them.

  9. I served as a small boat engineer and boarding officer in the USCG. We had Halon fire suppression systems on the boats; had to have pressure actuators on the intake shutters of the diesels as they would run on the stuff. One of my engineers once had a halon extinguisher discharge in the trunk of his car on the turnpike; he damned near didn't get out...

  10. There are many reasons that any military worth it's salt does combined arms.

    This is one of them - unsupported tanks in urban environments have LOTS of weak points. Heck, you can STILL make a mobility kill on one with a crowbar, a weakness that has only been known since WWI
