Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Coming Soon In VA? Updated.

courtesy of Matt Bracken

VA is probably going to need some new State Police if they plan on going live with this scheme.

I've seen what happened when a state had one Chris Dorner.
Believe me when I recommend that you not try it with tens of thousands of them.

And there's always another side of that coin.

UPDATE: More Fun


  1. I wouldn't give them 1 or 2. Number three first until they change shape or catch fire. Why give them a warning shot when they wouldn't give us one? Why stop at police vehicles, their POVs and personal homes are fair game, they think ours are.

  2. Ammo costs too much for warning shots...

  3. I'll just leave this here:

  4. Dorner is going to look like a 'simple' takedown before it's over...

  5. The late Mike Vanderboegh said, "When someone comes to take your guns away, shoot them in the face. Then find out who sent them, and go shoot HIM in the face".

    There is a tendency to focus on the agents who ate tasked with the job. But the people who sent them,such as the prosecuter who sought the warrant, the judge who signed the warrant, the police officials who sent the goon squad and the politicians who enacted the illegal legislation are the REAL domestic enemies. These people, in every state, MUST be identified and publicly named, so that they can be easily entered into every patriot's accountability files.

  6. I suspect the walk out would be like the British return march to Boston after the battles of Lexington and Concord. With better gear on the part of the patriots.

  7. The Patriots of 1775 had good gear in the main. Many were combat veterans, far larger percentage than in the ranks of the Regulars. Militia standard was the Brown Bess with bayonet ( about half at least had one) and cartridge box. They had been drilling assiduously all winter.
    Such would do well to be emulated. There are already parallels.
    Boat Guy

  8. A note for those, here and elsewhere, who call for going after the judges and district attorneys who send the police rather than simply shooting the police who attempt to steal your guns: Great idea. Where do they live? Either start gathering intel, team up with people who know these things, or admit that you can't do anything but shoot at the targets who present themselves.

  9. A note for those, here and elsewhere, who call for going after the judges and district attorneys who send the police rather than simply shooting the police who attempt to steal your guns: Great idea. Where do they live?

    This is difficult.......? Surely you jest, this being the information age and all that...........

  10. The "alleged" rapist AG said he will enforce the laws with a vengeance.
    Vengeance works both ways.

  11. Dorner ran wild. The DC snipers ran wild, remember it well. Paralyzed the DC Metro. All three were idiots with no plan. Just imagine what one or four would do with a plan? A mission. Wouldn't take much to create a huge bottleneck on a major north-south interstate on the eastern seaboard...

    1. Twenty 5-gal gas cans is enough to fry an overpass/freeway bridge.
