Sunday, April 28, 2019

Sunday Music: Take Five

In case 61M(!) YouTube hits on just this version didn't let you know it, this is the quintessential modern jazz track.

Everything in Jazz can be divided into BT5, and AT5, for before and after this modern classic piece.
One item on my bucket list before I die is to be able to play the drum part of this flawlessly, at least once.

Over and over and over...


  1. Thanks for posting that one Aesop. I've enjoyed your other music posts, but this one is special, as my Dad went to school with Dave Brubeck. Both of them started out in the physical sciences but Brubeck switched to the Conservatory of Music and graduated, the Old Man went into the Army and graduated after the war. So I heard stories... Brubeck would give concerts at his Alma Mater pretty regularly, but I never managed to get to one of them, always having "something important" to do instead. It's always been a regret of mine, so thanks for posting this.

    Oh, and Hi! to Old NFO. Fun to see you posting here. It was great talking horses with you at LTUE... ;^)

    Light Dragoon

  2. Yes, Take Five is a watershed, but it's not the only unusual 5-beat/measure piece...Tchaikovsky wrote a 5-beat/measure waltz (!!).

  3. Truly a classic! I can hear it now in my head.
    Your posts provide some TRUE "diversity". I'm one of those "11 movies behind" on the whole Marvel thing and can't really get motivated to catch-up; but you have got me going to the jazz section of my CD shelves.
    Boat Guy

  4. Unfortunately my one youtube download site won't let me download the music. It says "Music video downloads from your area are not allowed".
    Anyone have another one that might work? I save a lot of music on my laptop, but lately I'm having trouble.

  5. So, you like things in 5/4?

  6. I'll take the sax part if you play drums. Gotta get my saxophone back from my nephew first, though.

  7. Thanks man. Perfect 'attitude adjustment' for a Monday.

  8. Here is a video of T5 with the drum solo starting at about 4:38. Good luck playing it.

  9. Great post! I've been a Brubeck Quartet fan since high school (50 years) and have almost all of their CDs. BTW - after you master the drum work from "T5", take a crack at the Joe Morello's stuff on "Unsquare Dance" in 7/4 time. If you listen closely at the end of the cut, you'll hear Morello guffaw in relief and disbelief that he actually made it through intact! :^0

  10. Wonderful piece; recognizable by millions. IMO, it is also the Genome Zero of musical movements or interludes often seen in 60's-70's movies that condense a bunch of background actions for a protagonist, often in multiple frames. The scorers of those films owe their inspiration to Brubeck and T5.

  11. 'Am a Brubeck fan since High School(Class of'63) and finally back in '83 in Los Angeles got to see him "LIVE" at the "HOLLYWOOD BOWL" along with Stan Kenton and Gerry Mulligan!! What a Show!!
