Saturday, April 20, 2019

Be Careful What You Wish For...

Someone once asked how many men were needed to start a revolution.
Apparently, 77 is enough to get the ball rolling.
"Stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon. But if they mean to have a war, let it begin here." - Captain John Parker, Lexington militia

"Throw down your arms, you damned rebels!" - British officer, 4th Regiment of Foot, on Lexington Common 
And then the F**k-Up Fairy landed, someone pulled a trigger, and the genie was out of the bottle.

Tally at the end of the day:

49 killed
39 wounded
5 missing

British troops:
73 dead
174 wounded
53 missing

The British troops, formed of disparate clumps of men and officers from a dozen regiments (which made command and control even more tenuous throughout the day) after brushing aside what was always intended as token resistance at Lexington (the colonial militia was on the common, not blocking the road at all, and made no move to impede the far superior British forces, all the colonial leaders and stores of weapons having been removed or hidden long before the Redcoats' arrival), marched on to Concord bridge, where they searched the town for weapons until noon, mostly to no great effect, but upon their attempted return to Boston got a much different greeting than at Lexington, and then began an all-day long fighting retreat that left every British officer from the original expedition injured or wounded and unhorsed, all of them exhausted, nearly out of ammunition, and all but surrounded and captured as they straggled back to the safety of Boston city limits. The British in Boston were subsequently surrounded and besieged by tens of thousands of enraged colonial militiamen, which troops then formed the seed of what became the Continental Army.

And with blood shed in strength by both sides, no way any longer to put back the cork to the genie's bottle.

Lesser lights in modern times, agitating for both gun control and confiscations, and shilling for an open conflict in the midst of civil society, should learn a lesson or three about being careful for what you wish.



  1. Hooooobuddies!! You hit the nail square on the head with this post.. you even out did my post last morning to my fb page!!!

  2. ...and just to add insult to the Shot Heard Round The World, the 1024th Indian, carpet bagging Senator from Massachusetts is now calling for impeachment of President Trump based on ...? If there's No Collusion, where does Obstruction come from?


  3. The number of missing Redcoats is telling.....what percentage took the opportunity to desert?

  4. Look up Samuel Whittemore. It's one of my absolute favorite tales of that day. Best part is, he's the State Hero of Massachusetts. 80 years old, armed with a musket, two French pistols, and a sword, he does a solo engagement on the retreating British column.

  5. Showing my ignorance...what does BFYTW stand for?

  6. It means "Because fuck you, that's why"

  7. Re: Samuuel Whitmore

    This is worth reading about the man...

    Eyes Open -

  8. An ancestor answered the call that day. His namesake, my grandson is sleeping next to me on the couch. I pray I can step forward if need be so he doesn't have to do so.
    Boat Guy

  9. Here's a link to a GREAT encyclopedia of every British military battle which obviously includes all American Revolution battles. Great template with concise valuable info.

  10. "Lesser lights in modern times, agitating for both gun control and confiscations, and shilling for an open conflict in the midst of civil society, should learn a lesson or three about being careful for what you wish." The commies never study their history, it's all feelz. Unfortunately, another bloodstained lesson may be implemented, benefiting no one.

    Of course Lex-Concord wasn't the Brits first foray into the wilds of MA to confiscate guns of the "inbreed" colonials.

    Stephen Halbrook's books on the origin of the 2A and self-defense, are great reads, if interested. Again, the commies won't read them...

  11. My favorite heroes of the day are the Old Men of Menotomy:

    While there are suggestions as to the start of the Revolutionary War and the first battle, April 19, 1775 is recognized as the signature event for the conflict. General Thomas Gage under guidance he was given on April 14, 1775 (written January 27, 1775) from the British Secretary of State, William Legge, Earl of Dartmouth. Sent soldiers of the Crown Forces to disarm rebels and imprison leaders in Massachusetts.1 They were met with armed resistance at Lexington and Concord on April 19th. The initial Crown Forces Regulars under Lieutenant Colonel Francis Smith sent on the raid came under constant fire from gathering local militia. A relief force from Boston under Brigadier Earl Hugh Percy’s First Brigade was sent to reinforce and extract Lieutenant Colonel Smith’s raiding party.

    The old men of Menotomy captured the Redcoat Regular’s powder supply wagons and 18 soldiers (this from citation on local historical marker). 4

    Brigadier Earl Percy’s First Brigade was sent by General Gage to reinforce Lieutenant Colonel Smith’s Force on a raid to Lexington and Concord. Behind his Brigade followed two supply wagons with gunpowder and a twelve-man guard trying to catch up with Percy’s force. In Menotomy, a group of old men, too old to be fit for active service, gathered on the main road after Percy’s Brigade of regulars marched thru. All were armed and some were French and Indian War veterans. These included David Lamson who was half-Indian and half African, Ammi Cutter, Jason & Joseph Belknap, James Budge, & Israel Mead; were seeking an opportunity to interdict stragglers from Percy’s column. Hiding behind a stone wall they fired on the first wagon and killed the driver and a horse (other sources list two sergeants and more horses killed, an officer
    wounded, 5). The guards surrendered, (local lore says six regulars threw their muskets in a nearby pond and surrendered to an old woman in her garden).

  12. Can you link me the URL where the Colonials were blogging about it first.
