Thursday, February 28, 2019

Happy Anniversary, Trayvon

As Bayou Renaissance Man noted yesterday, it's been seven years since Trayvon Martin received curbside justice.

Lest we be remiss in proper celebration of such dates, allow us to properly commemorate the anniversary of his justified removal from the species:


  1. One should only speak good about the dead. OK. "Saint Trayvon of the Holy Hoodie is dead? Good."

    Let me be fair; it's a shame that any young life is snuffed out. Even bad people can change. But on the gripping hand, he made his choices, and lived and DIED by the consequences.

  2. It's safe to say Trayvon has never gone such a long stretch of time without committing a crime.

  3. Damn. I forgot to bake an anniversary cake. Putting it on my calendar for next year!

  4. St. Trayvon, patron saint of grape drank and codeine got Zimmermanned.

  5. ".....Trayvon, it's a crazy feeling, I know it's got me reeling...."

  6. Thanks for the "good thought for the day"
    May there be many more Trayvons on their way to join him.

  7. Would punch the next person trying to diefy that punk dead in the face.

  8. Actually, more Darwin in action than curbside justice. Zimm didn't hunt him down and shoot him as revenge. Saint Trayvon got his ticket punched because he failed Victim Selection 101, and his intended victim put him on the trailer. The media then went all out to teach the peons that they can't expect to just shoot the vicious thug who is trying to kill them and not get sent up for a hate crime.

  9. Trayvon be hangin' with Elvis? A crying shame. He might have, when grown up, turned himself around, gotten a well-paying STEM job, maybe cured cancer or provided a solution for the dysfunction in the Middle East...maybe bought his momma a house....

  10. Meanwhile, Ebola is getting a helping hand:
