Friday, October 27, 2017

Because Civil War There Worked So Well The Last Time Around...

(BBC) The Catalan regional parliament has voted to declare independence from Spain, just as the Spanish government appears set to impose direct rule. The move was backed 70-10 in a ballot boycotted by opposition MPs. 
 That'll go well.

Because every eighty years or so we need to replay facists vs. communists with real people as the poker chips.

Incidentally, there's also a lesson in there for those jackasses who still can't wrap their heads around the finality of Appomattox.

The correct historical divergence you're looking for is Rome, vs. the Dark Ages.
A pity if your karma runs over your dogma, but them's the cards you've been dealt.
There's a reason Utopia didn't spring out of the ground when the Visigoths and Vandals sacked Rome. As Casey Stengel used to note, "You could look it up."

Thanks to commenter RandyGC for reminding me of this apropos gem.


  1. We Americans tend to forget that our Revolution was unique in several important ways:

    1) It WORKED, in that it created an independent nation
    2) It actually made things better for the people who lived here
    3) those two happened because it was planned, orchestrated and executed by some of the brightest and best educated people in the world at the time.

    Contrast to the various French, Spanish, Chinese, African, Russian revolutions held since 1776.....

    Mark D

  2. When you visit Spain and Catalan you quickly see the differences. The Cats are hard working, intelligent and thrifty. The Spanish are not. The Cats hate the Spanish.

  3. It worked right fine for Franco. Rule 1: win.

  4. Its amazing how those damned Yankees don't understand that the South never surrendered. Time for them varmits to be taught a lesson.

  5. Watching the Catalonians dance in the streets I wondered if they know what's coming. Is there a militia ready? When the US declared independence over Britain, did the masses dance and weep in Philadelphia? Or did they go home and field strip and clean Brown Bess? I don't know the answer but I'll bet that not having draconian gun control (as Spain does) increases the odds of having independence stick. In colonial America, most adult males were required to own a rifle and be part of the militia. Spain restricts firearm ownership severely. Should be interesting to watch.


  6. That should read: 'Over time the Spanish people have allowed their freedom to own firearms be severely restricted.'

  7. @ Damn Yankees...
    It doesn't matter if you never surrendered. It matters if you never lost. ;)


  8. Its Leftist Communist versus Catholics fighting for the soul of Spain once again.....

    Editorial: Catalan has always meant Spaniard


  9. For some reason this song keeps popping into my head as I read about this situation:

  10. GREAT reference, Randy, I'd forgotten that gem! Year Of the Cat is in my regular YouTube rotation of classics, but I'd forgotten about this one. Until now.
    Thanks, man. I'm popping it into the tail end of the post.

  11. FerFAL has a viewpoint re. Cataluña:
