Tuesday, September 5, 2017


Updated: That was last night's forecast, when I wrote this to auto-post.
Here's this morning's update from NOAA:

So - good news - it's slowed down some. More time to prep/evac.

Depending on the weather model used, it could move as far west as Nawlins, or turn and go up the East Coast as far east as the SC-NC border in the next week.

The red line, above, represents the highest model likely, but as far away as it is, that's still mainly guesswork.

If it's determined that the Florida Keys are in the main path, evacuation decisions will be made today, because it takes 3+ days to evacuate them, and by Friday night, it'll be getting there with a fury.

Bad news: ocean temps in the path are higher than normal, which will fuel its intensity rising to a solid Cat III-IV when it hits the US mainland Friday Saturday evening/Sunday AM.

As noted yesterday, PR and US V.I. are going to get shellacked, tomorrow.

Good news: If you live in Colorado or Utah, you should be good.

If you're in the Florida peninsula and the Southeast piedmont, you'd better be getting your crap in one bag.
Next weekend will not be fun.
Might be a good idea to visit your relations in Iowa or New Mexico.

Judging by local anecdata, it wouldn't hurt a few people to panic in a more orderly fashion. Some folks thereabouts sound like they're losing their minds.

For those who might be new to this:

(pdf file) FEMA: How To Prepare For A Hurricane - 2017
12-page mini-guide, lots of pictures.


  1. Here's a juicy little tidbit for you:
    Governor of the US Virgin Islands just declared that there will be legal?? seizure of private firearms and ammunition.
    (story on Daily Caller)
    Friend of mine just moved to St. Croix and had to register ALL his guns and ALL his ammo.

  2. Been to the US V.I.

    If it weren’t for the beaches, it’d be Chicongo or Detroit.
    The crime was so bad in Charlotte Amalie, the capitol port city on St. Thomas, the Navy made the entire islands off-limits to all naval ships, because it was too unsafe for sailors.

    They need ten or twenty more Irmas, and then we can try re-colonizing it.

    As it stands, Capt. Jack Sparrow’d get his throat slit there these days.

    Sometime, look for the stories of the looting of white retirees there in the last big blow, while the local douchebadge cops stood around grinning and watching.

    The waters are a diver’s paradise, but ashore it’s a shithole with palm trees.
    Anybody who'd move there willingly is nuts.
    Puerto Rico’s about the same, and they’re flat busted broke.
    Things there are going to get cat-eating grim in a week or two.
