Saturday, September 2, 2017

Fire And Prosecute Jackbooted Thugs II



  1. Aesop, well done. Fire off a kickstarter campaign for the nurse to help with legal fees. Even though attorneys may take it on contingency having a few hundred thou sitting out there publicly ready to go against Salt Lake should raise the pucker factor a notch or two. I'm good for $50. Then, blog the hell out of it, daily, with totals.

  2. If you read the SLC papers today, linked at my follow-up, she already has counsel.
    And after yesterday, only about 10,000 lawyers in Utah would looooooove to help with the payday this case will eventually generate.
    And the nurse arrested won't be the only plaintiff, but if she decides to sue, this will be a monster payout. It's the kind of case cities settle out-of-court for 8 figures, with a non-disclosure clause.
    If this ever sees a court room, it's going to go to nine figures.
    Which is why the city will never let it get that far.
    Both the mayor and Chief both know their asses are in a tight crack on this one, and the whole world saw the videos yesterday.
    Which is why my money is on these two getting dropped off at the D.A.'s office, and told to bring their toothbrushes.

    1. Nurse could sue and use a portion to start an election campaign.

      Hatch says he's not going for reelection in 2018. She's got massive grassroots support, is obviously smart (RN's are no dummies) and could have a legitimate impact on lawmaking to eliminate repeats of this circus.

      Senator Wubbels?

      Gotta be better than any career politician. She has demonstrated rock-solid integrity.

  3. Burn unit to US Senate is a stretch.
    I'd send her to the House first; if she can pull that off, the sky's the limit.

    I suspect she likes what she's doing.

  4. Al Franken had zero qualifications. 1 member of the House has zero power. Outsiders don't get profitable committee chairmanships.

    Senate run would unnerve either party. They want players who can be bought. She'd be a lock for the female vote and a lot of the men.

    It's impossible to be any worse than the current lot. Never hurts to try.

    1. Did I say "profitable"? Meant to say "powerful". Congress would never take a bribe.

  5. She'd probably get eaten alive.
    Franken, for all his faults, was no rube, and had plenty of experience with the media circus.
    Plus Utah is a lot brighter than Minn., and less likely to go for a momentary celebrity.
