Tuesday, September 19, 2017



This be fair warnin', shipmates:
Today be International Talk Like A Pirate Day.
Postin' may be affected, some'at, as it strikes me fancy.

An' if any lily-livered landlubbers have any squawks from the poop deck, it'll be over the side and keelhaulin' with 'em, and anything left after'ards fed to sharks.
I'll not be strikin' me colors for the likes of them that's not worth a bucket o' chum.

We be sailing under Cap'n Roberts' Articles, if ye please.

An' fer any bilge rats what be ign'rant of such niceties, here be the only friendly thing ye'll see this day:

An' let no man think himself these be naught but ruddy "guidelines"!

Avast! Turn to, ye f'o'c'sle swabs!
No quarter given!
Fair warned ye be, sez I.



  1. I posted this on FB the other day just for gits and shiggles, seems appropriate here:

    Today's bit of worthless information:

    Most people know that the term "three sheets to the wind" slang for drunkenness, and they know it dates from the time of sailing ships, but they assume the "sheets" in question are the ship's sails. This isn't true, the sheets on a ship are part of the rigging, they're the ropes which attach the lower corners of the sails to the ship's hull. If these ropes aren't pulled taut the sail can flop from side-to-side in the wind, and the ship will rock from side-to-side as a result. The more loose sheets you have the more the ship will rock, so if three sheets are loose (to the wind) the ship will rock dramatically, much like a seriously intoxicated person will do.

    In keeping with the nautical trivia, before the invention of the rudder ships were steered with an oar attached to the right side of the stern, this was known as the steer-board, so the right side of the ship was called the steer-board side, or the starboard side. When docking the ship, it was easier to control the ship if the steer-board was away from the dock, so they'd put the left side of the ship against the dock, so the left side became the port side of the ship.

    Now you know.

    Mark D

  2. Aye, indeed, albeit some'at lubberly in discourse.
    Ye be rated bossun's mate, henceforth.

  3. Hey, Dad was a seaman, interrupted by a stint in the USMC during WW II (he got a ship sunk under him, he decided if someone was going to shoot at him, he was going to shoot back). I could tie a bowline, sheet bend, square knot or clove hitch before I could read.

    Mark D

  4. HAHAHA, sorry, I just got to this post after trying to make sense of the ones at the top of the page.

    I thought you had a stroke or something.
