Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Absolutely Right: The Charlottesville Doctrine

From T. L. Davis, The New Normal:
The Charlottesville Doctrine
Further demonstration of the fact that the terms Republican and Democrat have no meaning is the way the cowards and traitors of the Republican establishment have come out in favor of Antifa, the new KKK of both parties. There is no other way to interpret the vehemence with which the Bushes, Rubio, McCain, Cory Gardener, etc, etc have attacked Trump for pointing out the simple fact that violence was unleashed on the white supremacists and Nazis at the Charlottesville protest.

Like 'em or not, the white supremacists and Nazi's had a permit to rally and it was the responsibility of the state to protect that right and to protect the demonstrators. Those who did not have a permit were the Antifa counter-demonstrators, who arrived with weapons and the intent to inflict injury on the protesters. This is a coordinated attack on other Americans aided and abetted by the state and city governments.

What Antifa, with the help of government officials, including the police department and state police, have demonstrated to the entire nation, is that if someone has a point of view with which one disagrees, perhaps even vehemently, it should be countered with violence.
This is the Charlottesville Doctrine: Protests held and engaged in by individuals with disgusting and socially objectionable points of view should be met with violence.
In the military world, the correct (and quickest) way to get a blisteringly stupid order changed, was to follow it to the hilt. Civilian PTB apparently want to learn that lesson physically and existentially, in a nose-ground-into-the-pavement sort of way too.

This will not turn out the way they think.

Some of us are too old for that shit. And if caught up in other people's nonsense, we won't be playing by Marquis of Queensbury Rules.

Hey, Antifa...are you bulletproof?
How about fireproof...?

So go ahead, idiots.
Bring a knife to a gunfight.
Or bricks to a Molotov fight.
Let us know how that feels the next day.
You really won't like what the other side means when they say "triggered".

You Leftards started this shit. Because you got out-argued, and out-voted.
Life is tough. It's tougher when you're stupid.
Go home now.
Or else, you won't be happy when the pushback from the Right finishes it.

And the Government thugs can either stop it from starting in the first place, and uphold their oaths, like they failed to do in Berzerkely, Charlottesville, and elsewhere. Or they can end up on the same gibbet for trying to keep things one-sided. Hint: If you stood down for the opener, you'd better stay on the porch until it's over, and lift not a finger afterwards; or you've effectively signaled which side you're already on. If you think gangs are tough, Officer Fuckstick, try taking on the entire civil population. You want to go home to your families, now might be a good time. Just leave the guns and badges on the desk on your way out.


  1. "In the military world, the correct (and quickest) way to get a blisteringly stupid order changed, was to follow it to the hilt."

    This is known as a "white mutiny" and it works surprisingly well, especially if you can point out where (exactly) the orders called for you to do stupid shit in the first place.

  2. I thought of white mutiny as I read this but was beaten to the punch. Not surprising considering the source...

  3. My thinking is that if these leftists go for Washington or Jefferson (already some small rumblings to that effect), they'll have GRAVELY overestimated the public tolerance for their crap.

    It is at that point that all hell breaks loose. The media, the government not enforcing its own laws, all of them, including the leftists, will find out what it is like to ACTUALLY anger middle America.

    Racism isn't liked, but going after Washington and Jefferson will be the left's downfall, and possibly the downfall of an entire government. They'd best tread carefully now.

  4. @Anonymous:

    I'll just leave this here...

  5. > white mutiny

    > if these leftists go for Washington or Jefferson [...] all hell breaks loose
    Anon, you have a higher opinion of We the Public than I do, I'm afraid. And I'm hardly a "300 million of you parasites need to die" type. We've been primed for decades now about what flawed, evil men the founders were. (But don't worry, diversity will save the day, with Alexander Hamilton redeemed through performance in rap and literal, biological, blackface. FFS. Can you imagine the shitstorm of outrage if, say, George Washington CARVER were played by some white guy?)

    Where was I? Yeah, I don't think Middle America is going to get outraged if they go after Washington and Jefferson, they've been doing that for years already and we've done exactly two things in response: Jack, and Shit.

  6. I think more people are becoming outraged. Today's Gab investment goal being met in record time is proof of that. People want free speech, they're tried of feeling controlled, and right now, yes, they're all quiet, except for putting their money where their mouths are. So there's THAT little glimmer of hope.

    Aesop, would you mind if I posted links to some of your blog entries on Gab?

  7. I guess they will have to bomb Mt. Rushmore!

  8. @ Mike C:

    You said, "Where was I? Yeah, I don't think Middle America is going to get outraged if they go after Washington and Jefferson, they've been doing that for years already and we've done exactly two things in response: Jack, and Shit."
    You're about right regarding most folks. Most people - anywhere in the world, in time period, just want to be left alone. But some have a different viewpoint...especially if they can connect the dots and figure out that what is happening at some park (let's say in Houston, TX this weekend, where some human buttholes apparently wish to pull down a statue of Sam Houston - just to give you a random example out of the ether) may actually affect them and theirs at some point in the future. Those people will not necessarily stay on their couches, hoisting beers and watching the game of the day...

    ...and the big point that I'm making is that it won't take tens of millions doing something, it'll only take a very few, acting in concert, to REALLY make a mark. Imagine if there was a situation similar to Charlottesville somewhere that didn't have a Leftist Mayor and Governor. Now imagine that some loud, but otherwise peaceful normals who had received some "interesting" training from our Uncle Sam were suddenly assaulted by the Antifa thugs...and took down 50 of them in 30 seconds. Imagine, after the outrage that the media would pour forth over that (and I don't know how they could be more over-the-top than they were in the the last few days about C'ville), that the same thing happened in 5 more cities over the next few weeks. In that circumstance, IMHO, one of 2 things would happen - either 1) states and cities would HAVE to separate demonstrators and respect EVERYONE'S First Amendment rights or 2) Attendance by Antifa thugs at these things would drop - because yelling, screaming, throwing stuff at and beating up on crackers for $25/hour, cash, doesn't quite make up for lead coming in your direction at 800 FPS or faster.

    It just takes a few, with training, guts and opportunity - and the entire calculus changes.

  9. @Anon: I'm actually more optimistic than I seem to be projecting. I was being a bit Aspie about the "Washington and Jefferson" thing, 'cause I truly don't see many people even speaking up, much less taking action, because of that. However, I agree that a very large number of people are well and truly fed up.

    Based on some recent travel -- wherein I get to/have to talk to people I've never met -- my admittedly unscientific rough estimate is 3:1 fed-up vs idiots. And my sampling was in So. Cal (LAX area mostly, not OC) and SE Michigan, neither notoriously conservative. Uber and taxi drivers, hotel clerks, waitresses, people in service jobs were almost uniformly race and Islam realists and are no longer (if they ever were) buying media/governmental propaganda. Similar story with medical people (at all levels, and I include the janitor in this) in a hospital I was visiting. (Persons who actually have to deal with people, as opposed to theorizing about how the poor darlings are oppressed by hateful white cis-males, are realistic.) Had a lovely conversation with a Swedish woman on a BOS-DTW flight as well. She hails from an hour south of Gothenburg and was openly furious about the mess that refugees (read Muslims) are making of her country.

    I realize it helps that I am not shy about talking about such unpleasantness, which helps to get people to open up. But this is a sea change in that so many are now willing to have these formerly taboo conversations with a stranger, namely me. Even many of my colleagues (academics; >80% Hillary voters for that matter) have come around on at least some points (though I find it both amusing and sad that they look around furtively before hunching over and speaking in hushed tones).

    @ Texan: I'm not sure WHAT would happen if private citizens defended themselves kinetically en masse. Pretty sure I agree about declining Antifa paid-shill attendance, but I'm doubtful about local gov thereafter uniformly protecting 1A rights. I suspect it would all get kicked to the federal level on a supposed "civil rights" basis and lead to heavyhanded and open crackdown on the rest of the Bill of Rights, beginning with #2. And while Unintended Consequences was a fun and instructive read, I don't see any president who would, or could, be as rational as the President, and Justice Harrison Potter, from that novel. Anyway, back to our present-day world, whether THAT would truly open the ball, or if the frogs would continue to sit tamely in the pot, I couldn't say.

    FWIW, while I completely understand and share the frustration -- at a visceral level -- I do NOT want to see the ball opened. Even sometimes though it seems inevitable. I'm not sure it would be "Rwanda x Bosnia" -- to use Bracken's memorable phrase -- but it's one of those things where even the best outcome would be dreadful. OTOH the path we're on now is also truly dreadful.

  10. @ Mike C:

    You said, "Where was I? Yeah, I don't think Middle America is going to get outraged if they go after Washington and Jefferson, they've been doing that for years already and we've done exactly two things in response: Jack, and Shit."
    You're about right regarding most folks. Most people - anywhere in the world, in time period, just want to be left alone. But some have a different viewpoint...especially if they can connect the dots and figure out that what is happening at some park (let's say in Houston, TX this weekend, where some human buttholes apparently wish to pull down a statue of Sam Houston - just to give you a random example out of the ether) may actually affect them and theirs at some point in the future. Those people will not necessarily stay on their couches, hoisting beers and watching the game of the day...

    ...and the big point that I'm making is that it won't take tens of millions doing something, it'll only take a very few, acting in concert, to REALLY make a mark. Imagine if there was a situation similar to Charlottesville somewhere that didn't have a Leftist Mayor and Governor. Now imagine that some loud, but otherwise peaceful normals who had received some "interesting" training from our Uncle Sam were suddenly assaulted by the Antifa thugs...and took down 50 of them in 30 seconds. Imagine, after the outrage that the media would pour forth over that (and I don't know how they could be more over-the-top than they were in the the last few days about C'ville), that the same thing happened in 5 more cities over the next few weeks. In that circumstance, IMHO, one of 2 things would happen - either 1) states and cities would HAVE to separate demonstrators and respect EVERYONE'S First Amendment rights or 2) Attendance by Antifa thugs at these things would drop - because yelling, screaming, throwing stuff at and beating up on crackers for $25/hour, cash, doesn't quite make up for lead coming in your direction at 800 FPS or faster.

    It just takes a few, with training, guts and opportunity - and the entire calculus changes.
