Monday, November 21, 2016

Irony Sweepstakes Grand Prize

So apparently some of the prancing gender-dysphoric retards appearing in Hamilton in NYFC took the occasion of the attendance at their clown show of VP-elect Mike Pence to do some ad lib anti-Trump booing at certain strategic points throughout the show's performance, by way of protesting the epic schlonging their preferred and defeated multiple felon received from Trump/Pence earlier this month.

Aside from the general and egregious boorishness of hired monkeys insulting a paying guest, there's this serendipitous litter box nugget for these historical jackasses to nurse on:
Alexander Hamilton, the eponymous basis of the entire musical in question, was also the man who invented and championed the Electoral College, and its inclusion in the US Constitution.

Suck that turdcicle, you ignorant public school drop-out bitchez!


  1. Pence said that he wasn't offended. I know that I'm not offended when my grandchildren try to insert their political opinions in an adult conversation. I simply fix them with a steely glare and remind them that the adults are talking.

  2. "Aside from the general and egregious boorishness of hired monkeys insulting a paying guest, there's this serendipitous litter box nugget for these historical jackasses to nurse on..."

    Love it! You are a verbal magician, dude. One reason you are one of the web's best.

  3. ... content is another...
