Monday, January 20, 2014

It Could Never Happen Here

This is just my imagination. No one would ever seriously suggest this. Well, almost no one.

A Proposed Final Solution To The Conservative Problem In America:

The Director of Homeland Security has given a short report of the struggle which has been carried on thus far against these terrorists, the essential points being the following:
a) the expulsion of Conservatives from every sphere of life of the American people,
b) the expulsion of the Conservatives from the living space of the American people.
In carrying out these efforts, an increased and planned acceleration of the emigration of the Conservatives from Homeland territory was started, as the only possible present solution.
By order of the Attorney General, a Homeland Central Office for Conservative Emigration will be set up in and the Director of Homeland Security will be entrusted with the management. Its most important tasks will be:

a) to make all necessary arrangements for the preparation for an increased emigration of the Conservatives,
b) to direct the flow of emigration,
c) to speed the procedure of emigration in each individual case.

The aim of all this is to cleanse American living space of Conservatives in a legal manner.

All government and party offices realize the drawbacks of such enforced accelerated emigration. For the time being they will, however, tolerate it on account of the lack of other possible solutions of the problem.
The following guidelines will be enforced immediately.

1) Treatment of Persons of Mixed Loyalties of the First Degree
Persons of mixed loyalty of the first degree will, as regards the Final Solution of the Conservative question, be treated as Conservatives.
From this treatment the following exceptions will be made:
a) Persons of mixed loyalties of the first degree married to persons of Progressive loyalty if their marriage has resulted in children (persons of mixed loyaltiy of the second degree). These persons of mixed loyalty of the second degree are to be treated essentially as Progressives.
b) Persons of mixed loyalty of the first degree, for whom the highest offices of the Democrat Party and State have already issued exemption permits in any sphere of life. Each individual case must be examined, and it is not ruled out that the decision may be made to the detriment of the person of mixed loyalty.
The prerequisite for any exemption must always be the personal merit of the person of mixed loyalty. (Not the merit of the parent or spouse of Progressive loyalty.)
Persons of mixed loyalty of the first degree who are exempted from evacuation will be sterilized in order to prevent any offspring and to eliminate the problem of persons of mixed loyalty once and for all. Such sterilization will be voluntary. But it is required to remain in the Homeland. The sterilized "person of mixed loyalty" is thereafter free of all restrictions to which he was previously subjected.
2) Treatment of Persons of Mixed Loyalty of the Second Degree
Persons of mixed loyalty of the second degree will be treated fundamentally as persons of Progressive loyalty, with the exception of the following cases, in which the persons of mixed loyalty of the second degree will be considered as Conservatives:
a) The person of mixed loyalty of the second degree was born of a marriage in which both parents are persons of mixed loyalty.
b) The person of mixed loyalty of the second degree has a socially especially undesirable appearance that marks him outwardly as a Conservative.
c) The person of mixed loyalty of the second degree has a particularly bad police and political record that shows that he feels and behaves like a Conservative.
Also in these cases exemptions should not be made if the person of mixed loyalty of the second degree has married a person of Progressive loyalty.
3) Marriages between Full Conservatives and Persons of Progressive Loyalty.
Here it must be decided from case to case whether the Conservative partner will be evacuated or whether, with regard to the effects of such a step on the Progressive relatives, [this mixed marriage] should be sent to an old ­age ghetto.
4) Marriages between Persons of Mixed Loyalty of the First Degree and Persons of Progressive Loyalty.
a) Without Children.
If no children have resulted from the marriage, the person of mixed loyalty of the first degree will be evacuated or sent to an old­ age ghetto (same treatment as in the case of marriages between full Conservatives and persons of Progressive loyalty, point 3.)
b) With Children.
If children have resulted from the marriage (persons of mixed loyalty of the second degree), they will, if they are to be treated as Conservatives, be evacuated or sent to a ghetto along with the parent of mixed loyalty of the first degree. If these children are to be treated as Progressives (regular cases), they are exempted from evacuation as is therefore the parent of mixed loyalty of the first degree.
5) Marriages between Persons of Mixed Loyalty of the First Degree and Persons of Mixed Loyalty of the First Degree or Conservatives.
In these marriages (including the children) all members of the family will be treated as Conservativess and therefore be evacuated or sent to an old ­age ghetto.
6) Marriages between Persons of Mixed Loyalty of the First Degree and Persons of Mixed Loyalty of the Second Degree.
In these marriages both partners will be evacuated or sent to an old age ghetto without consideration of whether the marriage has produced children, since possible children will as a rule have stronger Conservative loyalties than the Conservative person of mixed loyalty of the second degree.
Let the "evacuations" begin, make up your lists, and fill the trains as soon as possible, combing the Homeland from East to West to rid us of this plague on our people once and for all.
One Leader!
One Homeland!
One People!


  1. Wow. I hope she doesn't ever see your post. She may not realize it's sarcasm and think it's a good plan .

  2. Would that she'd take that approach.

    Target ID is always the biggest problem to solve. It's far more helpful when they wear red coats and stand out in the open.

  3. Yes, this is a zombie thread--I've just started reading the old posts in your blog. Good stuff.
    I only post because I'm surprised there has been no mention of the 1942 Wannsee Protocol, which was clearly your template for the "final solution" to Conservatives.
    For those readers who are unfamiliar, the Wannsee Protocol is translated here: This is is based on the official U.S. government translation prepared for evidence in trials at Nuremberg. The Wannsee Protocol was the Nazi solution to the "Jewish problem".
