Tuesday, July 23, 2024

You Must Remember This: Brutus Is An Honorable Man

A few updated points, if I may:

Somebody made the decision to half-ass Trump's protective detail all along.

Somebody made the decision, despite multiple requests from the campaign, not to increase Trump's protective detail.

Somebody decided, despite clear and credible threats of an Iranian assassination plot, not to increase Trump's detail in the days prior to the Butler assassination attempt.

Somebody decided to deliberately and knowingly lie about that, and claim that just the opposite had happened.

Somebody on Trump's detail made the jackassical decision to place the nearest building to Trump's podium outside Secret Service responsibility, against all common sense and basic SOP.

Somebody made the jackassical decision not to put Secret Service countersnipers on top of that very building.

Somebody made the decision to not have everyone on the same radio frequencies, and not to have liaison officers from all agencies in each others' command posts, to literally make sure everyone was on the same page at all times during the event.

Somebody made the decision to pull all of Trump's actual Secret Service bodyguards from him at this event, and replace them with fat-assed, half-assed, untrained and unqualified fifth-string security bumpkins from DHS. And just pretend Trump was being protected by the Secret Service.

Somebody failed to cordon off the AGR building in question, and prevent any random access to the building by people like RTA Fucktard.

Somebody made the decision to put the local po-po who were supposed to be on top of the building inside the building, where they could see and do nothing.

Somebody made the decision not to have officers literally in sight of each other in a 360° perimeter all around that building from well before to long after that event.

Somebody made the decision not to have officers on constant roving patrol around that building from well before to long after that event.

Somebody made the decision not to have such a patrol around that area even after a police officer spotted the shooter, photographed him, and flagged him as a "suspicious person" less than 200Y from the podium.

Somebody's failure to do those things allowed a random RTA Fucktard to carry an orange 15' ladder over to the building, and erect it, and no officer discovered that ladder for 10-20 minutes before the shooting, though it was in plain sight.

Somebody didn't control access to the building's parking lot, so they didn't see RTA Fucktard trundling the ladder over to the building, nor did they see RTA Fucktard when he returned for his war bag and rifle, nor spot him climbing up onto the roof in question.

Somebody's multiple basic oversights didn't find the ladder, climb up it to investigate, and thus did not see nor challenge RTA fucktard as he crawled into firing position.

Somebody had to have tipped RTA Fucktard off about the position of the closest counter-sniper team, and told him where the exact best position was that would utilize the intervening trees to mask him from their sight a mere 100Y away from them the entire time he was there. (If you think this "just happened", tell about the time you were on a plane, flipped a quarter that came up heads 100 times in a row, just before you were bitten by a rattlesnake and struck by lightning, simultaneously. I'll be at the bar while you work that out.)

Somebody coached RTA Fucktard and/or assisted him to scrub his entire internet presence, acquire three encrypted cell phones, and obtain multiple remote-detonated explosive devices.

Somebody ensured that there were no law enforcement or federal agents in position to see what RTA Fucktard was up to, but they couldn't prevent dozens of eyewitnesses from flagging the cops and feds down, and warning them minutes before the shots were fired.

Somebody put Trump on stage, despite a "suspicious person" who had disappeared, despite countersnipers watching RTA fucktard with a range finder and then a weapon on the nearest roof, despite those same countersnipers knowing (because any sniper's #1 imperative, especially counter-snipers on a presidential protective detail is to f**king observe intently) that no other sniper team had been on that roof previously.

Somebody didn't have someone posted inside the protective zone at the access gate between the Show Grounds and the AGR building with either the keys to the padlock, or a stout pair of bolt-cutters, wasting precious minutes of response to the threat while a police vehicle had to repeatedly ram that gate to create an opening, preventing any other officers to get to RTA Fucktard's position before the fatal shots rang out.

Somebody decided not to erect a sight-blocking barrier between the podium and that building (a standard event precaution), making any view, or shots besides random ones visually impossible.

Somebody decided to do this, at Trump's last public appearance before the Republican convention, which was unusually and totally uncharacteristically being carried on live television.

And yet, RTA Fucktard showed up at the rally from 60 miles away, walked around scoping the scene out, walked a ladder into position, carried his tools and toys onto the one roof within a mile with absolutely no federal agents or local LE presence on it or near it, got into position unseen (except by alert Trump MAGAholics in the crowd), took his sweet ass time to line up his shot, and launched 7-10 poorly-aimed shots at what, for anyone moderately skilled with a rifle, is "Gimme" range - the shooting equivalent of a 3" putt in golf - who nonetheless managed to miss Trump all but one time, and inflicted on him about the least serious wound one could receive, while missing a catastrophic one-shot kill, with brain explosion, by about 2 cm.

Flip a coin 23 times.

The odds of getting the same result 23 times is approximately 1 in 8,000,000.

That's the odds this "just happened" because of "incompetence".

The chances of missing a killing shot, for a barely-able shooter on a 6'3" 215# man standing fairly still at 130y is 4%. 

[We state this because a congressman from Texas, who owns an AR-15, which he hadn't fired for 6 years, re-created the shot this week for himself - 16 shots at 140Y from a barely sloped roof at a head-sized target  shortly before dusk - and obtained killshots on his target 15 times out of 16 attempts. No wonder whoever set this patsy up thought he couldn't possibly fail.]

The shooter fired between 7-10 rounds, per all leaked data.

4% of 4% of 4% of 4% of 4% of 4% of 4% is 0.000000016384%.

1/16billionth of a percent chance he misses with all rounds, except for an insignificant nick.

After a 1 in 8 Million chance of getting there to take the shots in the first place.

So go ahead on, and tell me this was "just simple incompetence".

Ms. Cheatle needs to be black-bagged, flown to Gitmo, and waterboarded until her recollection improves significantly.

With red-hot blacksmith pincers, thumbscrews, and power tools to motivate her to push beyond any lapses or reticence.

And then have it repeated, until she tells the identical story every day for two weeks.

And then repeat it again, simply because she deserves two weeks of enhanced interrogation on general principles.

After that, shoot her in the head and dump the corpse at sea, for all I care.

In a just world, she'd be drawn, quartered, the parts charred, and the charcoal displayed in the four corners of the country, pour encourager les autres.

But not until she coughs up everything she's hiding, and everything she knows (or was in on).


  1. That about sums it up…a full on operation to assassinate the former President and THE Republican Presidential candidate. All signs point to a yes that is what it was and may again, be…as that is what happens when cheaters, liars, and criminals get desperate. Occam’s Razor. Oh, and Harris is a smokescreen.

  2. The same agency that is currently conducting the assassination investigation on Trump is the same agency that botched and retaliated against one of their own -- https://justthenews.com/accountability/whistleblowers/fbi-withheld-evidence-about-whistleblower-congress-leading-erroneous Fully Botched Investigators.

    Sleep easy America.

  3. Awesome take on the assassination attempt.
    I am in no why as skilled as you are, but having seen the attack, and the reaction of the USSS, I know it was a setup; to eliminate Trump. My first words to my wife that day were: "they set him up to die."
    Thanks for your clear and unambiguous assessment: it was a mafia style "hit" gone wrong.
    I will be passing this along to my fellow Patriots.
    Bear in Indy

  4. odds are she doesn't know anything. why risk the leak?

    everything was done at the lowest level they could, possibly the closest office, and nothing was passed up the chain that wasn't doctored to make everything look just fine. last thing they needed was some random guy with a conscience seeing paperwork go across his desk and asking "what do you mean we only sent 3 people?" and ringing alarm bells.

    just wargaming it, I'd keep the entire operation as small as possible, and even use assumed names with matching fake credentials for interacting with local law enforcement. "the secret service guy said it was ok to guard from inside the building..name? turbo...turbo encabulator. yeah, that's what the secret service ID said. he said his parents were engineers with a sense of humor"

  5. A good analysis of the Biden SchutzStaffel conspiracy. President Donald John Trump is alive today because the Lord of Hosts directly intervened in events to spare his life. It appears that He may have gotten Trumps's attention. I hope so and I pray for our nation. "If My people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin, and I will heal their Land." 2 Chronicles 7:14 This was a message to the people of Israel in the Old Testament, and I pray it today for the United States of America. As President John Adams wisely said, "Our constitution is meant only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other."

  6. Any thoughts on the multiple shooter theory that's being bandied about in some quarters? Rhis article via Herschel seems to give a good summary:


    Me? I'm not knowledgeable enough to comment on the subject, so I prefer to keep quiet.

  7. The Neo-Communists I mean the Democrats are still planning to Epstein Trump in Prison before November.

  8. Singer Sewing MachineJuly 24, 2024 at 5:35 AM

    Math works if you are shooting a paper target.

    Cold shot nick, maybe two hurried follow-up shots before he hit the deck and was behind ballistic dummies.

    No sentient thing besides Dollar General Bob Dylan standing to his 5 o'clock would stand still for 7-10 shots.

  9. I think there was rampant incompetence and miscommunication at the operational level.

    But you're right - up the food chain, decisions were made and those need to be explored. The DEI chief there may not have known, being a DEI hire and all.

    Far as the congresscritter 15/16 goes, sure, most can hit a plate with a little skill. That said, it was a gimme shot for the first shot, which fate made a showing. As anyone who hunts knows, the second is way tougher since the target moved, and is probably moving.

    1. I think the point of the 15 kill shots out of 16 shots fired demo was that the chance of him getting a fatal hit on the first shot was 15 out of 16.
      To be honest I don't know if the Texas Congressman let the barrel cool down between shots so that each shot was a "cold barrel" shot, but it still speaks to a 93.75% chance of hitting a head sized (am assuming 9" diameter) paper plate.
      Atheists will say Trump was simply very lucky, People of faith will say God said "not today".
      Trump supporters will say God protected him. Trump haters will say too bad the shooter missed.
      I say it wasn't Trump's (or our) time yet. We were afforded perhaps one last chance to get ready for what's coming, and also to take note of those who have enough hatred in their hearts to wish Trump (and also all his supporters) dead.

  10. all of that is undebatable fact. it's also undeniably true that IF God Himself had not turned trump's head when that bullet was a few feet from it, we would talking about a completely different scenario. they took everything into account and forgot that God had a say.

  11. I've been saying much the same elsewhere, although not in as much detail, since the event.

    What will confirm our suspicions will be when former SS and other "agents" start showing up in public parks and perhaps other places with two "self inflicted" GSW to the back of the head or suddenly start dieing in "tragic" car accidents on lonely back roads late at night with the car and the occupants cloths reeking of alcohol, but none or very little found upon autopsy, which will be buried by the coroner.

    Now with the Eff Bee Eye on the job investigating just how this "lapse" in security happened, you can rest assured that We The People will never know how this actually happened, as we all know that the Eff Bee Eye's job here is to gather all the evidence and destroy it. See the Mueller investigation of the Russia Russia Russia hoax for corroboration.

    One other sort of ancillary event here is that for months, perhaps years for some of us, we've known that Joe Bribem wasn't fit to hold his current office, never mind be elected to another 4 year term.

    Yet within days of his political opponent's botched assassination, he steps aside to allow Kneepads to run in his place. Who had that one on their bingo card? Now, according to MSM reporting, Kneepads is leading Trump in polling by several % points nationally.

    Did I tell you about this bridge...


  12. @Plague Monk, &c.

    One wholly incompetent shooter is possible. Suggesting two such is beyond retarded, and based solely on questionable audio analysis, not forensic shooting data. Trump would have been Swiss cheese. IMHO, any theory of >1 shooter is flatly recockulous without serious evidence, not internet pseudo-sleuthing.

    @Techie Dude,
    Trump didn't twig to what was happening until at least three shots had gone by, one of which nicked his ear. He wasn't moving until at least the 4th shot.

    @SingerSewing Machine,
    Ditto above. And RTA Fucktard kept slamming rounds in until he was switched off by a 440Y SS shot to the head. He could (should) have switched to center-mass torso shots, and anyone not retarded would have taken out three of four lumps in the dogpile before they died, some of which might have easily continued into the Principal Target.

    He hit nobody in the target zone.

    I think TPTB that arranged this hit never figured anyone could miss 8-10 times at that range, and achieve nothing but a surge in Trump's poll numbers, and cause the World's Most Superficial Wound.
    The one reliable thing about this administration is that they're incompetent at everything, and everything they touch turns to total sh*t.

    Thank a merciful deity.

  13. @Nemo,
    Kneepads is trailing Trump in every poll except a poll of registered Democrats in Congress.

    Nearly 20% of the electorate polled rates her standing and capabilities as "Unsure".

    The MSM is adding that percentage to her actual poll numbers (within a point, up or down, of Poopypants' for the last 6 months.)

    And within a month of her speaking constantly, people will be wishing for Poopypants' return, dementia, Parkinson's, and all. Mark my words.
    She's a walking shitburger between the ears, and makes fungus look intelligent.
    Like Biden's Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diagnoses, that kind of thing cannot be hidden.

    My over/under is there's at least one more attempt on Trump before the election, and if he wins beyond the margin of cheat, another one between election and Inauguration, including possibly the Inauguration podium itself. Rot, like rust, never sleeps.

    Interesting times indeed.

  14. You forgot - Someone decided to not record comms audio. Apparently, radio chatter is usually recorded between the agents.

  15. Don't forget that the shooter also flew a drone around the area too.

  16. "Trump didn't twig to what was happening until at least three shots had gone by, one of which nicked his ear. He wasn't moving until at least the 4th shot."

    And I can say from experience that that's completely normal for someone who hasn't been shot at before. In fact his reactions across the board were completely consistent with his personality, to include his adrenaline-fueled angry/fist-waving.

    Lots have tried to say that 'that proves it was fake!' when those saying this? More than likely have never been shot at, nevermind 'danger-close' shot at.

  17. "SOMEBODY"?! The elephant in the room, or rather in Milwaukee, was the presence of Nikki Haley waiting to enter stage left after her MIC handler informed her the Golden Golem was dead. She was going to take over the process and, with her Deep State MIC cohort, Mike Pompeo, continue the racket of perpetual war for "perpetual peace". This event was not just orchestrated by the Marxist-Infanticide Party. This has the usual suspects' (read RINO) fingerprints all over it. Am I getting close? What say you? - DTW

  18. I agree with all the commenters and everything in the article....except the phrase 'an insignificant wound'. I think and pray the wound has awakened a lot of people to the state of the nation. God willing we can change the trajectory in November.

  19. WRT the wannabe "I'll show them I can shoot" and missing, in one early timeline, officer fumble pokes his head over the roof, probable yells or makes noise, and the wannabe turns, points his rifle at Fife, and then turns back and hurriedly cranks off the shots. Not really aimed fire under ideal conditions, and he had to know the jig was up, and be flooded with adrenaline.

    So I'll grant that he missed under time and stress pressure.

    What I haven't seen is "Where did the ladder come from?" He didn't bring it and there are no reports of him carrying it around...

    And then there is the bike/car issue. He drove 60 miles, but there is a picture of his BICYCLE and some bags being considered a "suspicious item". WTF? He carried the bike there, then rode it into position, then left it? any pix of his vehicle? And sign of a bike carrier? There were early picks of something, supposedly with things that go bang loudly inside, but I haven't seen any followup.

    The whole thing reeks of malice or incompetence, or both, but it stinks.

    And now T won't be having massive outdoor rallies? That's one of his best ways to show undeniably that he has HUGE support from people. Anyone can see the crowd. Not so much when the events are indoors and tightly controlled, like Killary used to do.


    I'm not looking forward to what's coming, I'm only hoping to get myself and my loved ones thru it.


  20. The government spent a lot of time and money training me in the National Incident Command System, which was mandated for first responders in the wake of 9/11. One of the requirements is for an incident command post, and if there are multiple agencies involved, a unified command system.
    That wasn't done here. I wonder why it wasn't...

  21. Even if it was some nobody unhinged leftists that acted on the rhetoric of the left, I have ZERO doubt they were aware of him and allowed it to go down. This was %100 a government approved and sponsored assassination attempt and I'm tired of the whole "we had no idea" schtick. Break out the waterboard and let's see how long they still don't know. Start with the counter-sniper team and work upstreamm. I bet the pig bitch SS boss doesn't lst 3 minutes before spilling her guts and naming names.

  22. # 24

    Someone made the decision to let Thomas Crooks fly a drone at 4 pm, two hours before Trump's speech.

  23. My over/under is there's at least one more attempt on Trump before the election, and if he wins beyond the margin of cheat, another one between election and Inauguration, including possibly the Inauguration podium itself. Rot, like rust, never sleeps.
    Interesting theory.

    I'm not up enough on the US Con to know offhand, but if Trump/Vance is elected, THEN TPTB kill him, then what? Wouldn't Vance, the former Marine, step in?

  24. Eight rounds fired by shooter Crooks, per testimony of Christopher Wray, Director, FBI, 23 July 2024 - 8 shell casings found on roof.

  25. I saw someone on the Musk chat Say Trump surviving was a miracle from GOD. Some anti Gun Nut claiming to be from Parkland asked Why did God save Trump and not our kids?

    Didn't you take GOD out of the Schools 50 years ago? HE doesn't go where he's asked not to be.

  26. And who, exactly, is going to investigate this? The FBI? It is to laugh.

  27. I finally made a connection - the explosives in the car were given to to the shooter by the operatives. the shooter thought it was to do some additional damage. But the operative gave it to him as a "jack Ruby" insurance. The operative would blow the car if the shooter escaped the roof and got to his car and started to drive away. The investigators would then say the shooter committed suicide with the explosives. No witnesses left alive.

    Probably everyone else saw this likely connection, I only now realized it.

  28. Harbinger62 said...

    Dan Bongino has a different take.

    He thinks that Crooks originally planned to shoot Trump from the ground, then start firing at random into the fleeing crowd. Then when shot thru the chest by the SS sniper team, Crooks would have 15-20 secs useful consciousness to detonate the explosives in his car, with the crowd around his vehicle. He only climbed to the roof (using the HVAC intake/outlet Freon lines, not a ladder) when he realized he couldn't get a realistic shot from the ground.

    It's an interesting theory, but Crooks didn't plan on a head shot from the SS team...

    1. Wearing shorts on a metal roof 100 degrees + was not genius. But, finding a spot the CS team could not see and he could still see the stage? No accident.

  29. The problem with that is there was a ladder clearly visible in SkyNews chopper video minutes after the shooting, showing the ladder, the body, his rifle and his warbag.
