Sunday, July 21, 2024

Secret Service Update


  1. Yup, it all stinks to high Heaven.

  2. Aesop if you can please provide a link to the latest Secret Service or FBI updates on the attempted assassination of the former President of the United States. Not the July 15th update, or the July 16th update or the July 17th update or the July 18th update or the July 19th update or the July 20th update but the most current information available from TPTB. Links to all of the updates would also be greatly appreciated.

  3. I keep thinking about Dec 3 2022, and the little town of Southern Pines, NC, population 16,592.
    Last I heard, there were still no suspects regarding the 5 day power outage.

    That's very interesting, since I hear there are a fair amount of military retirees living there...of a certain MOS.

    Maybe, just maybe, some alumni from the "University of Pineland" could "requisition" a couple of the SS agents that were at the Butler PA, event, and introduce them to some "Special High Intensity Training", in the form of water-boarding..
    Just, you know, see what they can find out....



  5. Heat mirage.

    Second (third/fourth/eleventyth) shooter = Total B.S.

    One assclown can miss.
    Now the nutjobs expect us to believe multiple shooters missed.

    Sh'yeah, right, when monkeys fly outta my butt.

  6. I no longer expect anything to be as it seems...

  7. Even AOC was calling Cheatle out over this cock-up.

    New York's Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Democrat, said that the delay of such a report during a tense election season was "not acceptable".
    "This is not theater, this is not about jockeying, this is about the safety of some of the most highly targeted and valued targets internationally and domestically," Ms Ocasio-Cortez said. There needs to be answers. We need to make policy decisions."
    "Without that, we're flying blind," she added.

  8. amazing coincidence that crooks picked the rally where the 2nd string backup jv benchwarmers were assigned to trump's security, ain't it...
