Sunday, July 14, 2024

Opening Night At The Republican Convention


  1. The problem is that it's looking like the Secret Service was playing dumb and ignoring the assassin until after he took his shot, THEN they started to do their job. Judging by the shots that can be heard, the assassin fired twice and the Secret Service guys shot three times, less than a second later. They had to have him in their sights before he started shooting.

    When you add the lack of rooftop security and ignoring the folks yelling and pointing out the perpetrator beforehand, it looks more like malice than incompetence.

    I am not saying that the Biden administration attempted to murder Trump. I am saying that they talked up the 'need' for it to happen, set up the gap in security, and allowed the perp to take his shot, well within normal range for someone just familiarized with a rifle.

  2. This whole thing makes me wonder if the adult on the porch is available to call of the dogs. Logically, they'd know it's over, and make some other move in the future. Considering Biden, his cackling side-kick, his doting power hungry wife, and derelict son, the adult left a long time ago, and the neighbors are peeking out their window.

  3. I just want to see Chuck Norris tell a Trump joke.
    He'd crush this, and the roof would come off the place.

    As for the Secret Disservice, this was an inside job.
    2 inches right, and Trumps head explodes like a watermelon on live TV worldwide with the first shot.
    <150Y should be a gravy shot, even for a relative novice.

    And I saw the video of the counter-sniper enablers watching the guy, through high-powered scopes that could have read the serial number off the side of the receiver of the Turd's weapon at that range, during the time he had to have been moving into position, carrying a rifle, then setting up, and getting off 5-8 shots before they shut his mouth forever.

    This was a Secret Service-sponsored Dealey Plaza Haircut, only their patsy didn't have the chops.

    They should be waterboarding that entire protective detail in Gitmo to find out who and how many of them are batting for the other team.

    1. Michael in nowherelandJuly 14, 2024 at 5:16 PM

      Absolutely right!

    2. FWIW set up sounds right. But almost 150yds is only a gravy shot, for anyone other than sergeant York, if they're not forced to use an unmagnified red-dot sight like the loser wannabe assassin was using. Brandon Herrera and Garland Thumb both did videos about it. The red dot would've been the size of Trump's head at that distance.
      So, probably inside job, but the loser had shitty equipment, too, so I can't dunk on him for that part. Not that he'd care, he's burning in hell. The last thing to go through his mind was a bit of 300 Win-Mag!

  4. No argument here,, Aesop is sayin what I'm thinking.

  5. My question is who was waiting for the word from the RNC to come out and wail over Trump's cold body so that they would be the Republican Uniparty candidate?

    You know that they had Nikki, Marco, or Burgum ready to step in.

  6. Next attempt will be a la Prigozhin, an in-flight ‘accident’.

    SP RN

  7. ^that right there^
    Original Grandpa

  8. As of yesterdays events, it is not a matter of whether Trump wins but by how much. Other than maybe CA and HI it could be a 48 state sweep.

  9. Tonight I read the SS is pointing fingers at the local fuzz. SS, they say, only control inside an event. Shooter was outside the event, therefore local PD had jurisdictional control.

    That only makes sense if SS is blame shifting. Among a thousand other questions is, What does the local PD know about VIP security? The PD in question said they received no details from SS prior to the event. Nearby residents say they were not contacted by either SS or PD prior to the rally.

    Too, apparently the counter snipers were PD, not SS. Yet that is confusing too. In AAR, counter sniper said he had perp under surveillance for several minutes but was waiting for orders per ROE.

    SS ground team looked like Keystone Kops.

  10. A couple of items relevant (if true...)

    Susan Crabtree:

    The normal USSS team was diverted to a DOCTOR Jill Biden event, and the fill-in temps were from DHS. Might tend to explain Holster-girl (apparently, she was also the one who ducked).

    "Former presidents" don't rate full coverage. Mere coincidence that the current DIE head of USSS is buddies with the Bidens.

    I gather that the Secret Service outsourced some of the sniper support to the local PD. A post on 4chan (take the following with a shitload of salt, but...) from a guy claiming to be the white-hat countersniper says he was told to stand down when they reported the shooter setting up. Further, they still hadn't gotten a go-ahead when he started shooting, and the guy says he was briefly arrested and fired for "disobeying orders".

    FWIW, the pic of the countersnipers shows one wearing a "police" vest.

  11. I think Rick hit it on the head, Perhaps DEI hire Secret Service head on site so preplanning and execution poorly done. Failure of locals to provide adequate control and security. If the shooters on site were locals, they surely were waiting clearance to fire since they knew a mistaken shot would put their butts in a major legal and social bind. I'm certain the convoluted chain of command was involved. Glad President Trump turned his head when he did. If it was indeed a plot to check him out, may it soon be uncovered and appropriate measures applied.

  12. I will point fingers at the ROE. I will bet it forbid using lethal force until AFTER a shot is fired so the perp's survivors can't claim the SS shot him without cause. 'Pointing a rifle at a presidential candidate is Mah Free Speech!!!!!!'

  13. It was obviously set up, probably by the FBI. To make a head shot, at 150 yards, you need training and a lot of rounds downrange, especially with an AR. The fbi's are notorious for setting up and training patsies. With collusion from the ss and likely cia, they almost got it done. Now they will have to either give it another go or let it go, let Trump win, and the country will go back to sleep. Only time will tell.

  14. "To make a head shot, at 150 yards, you need training and a lot of rounds downrange, especially with an AR."

    No, you don't, idahobob. I shot the high end of expert every year in the Corps when Reagan was president. I could hit minute of beer can at 150 yards, right now, and I haven't picked up a rifle in several years. The bar for success at that range is so low, Stevie Wonder could have made that shot on the first try.

    If this assclown had possessed the skillset of even the worst shot among any basically trained recruit platoon in the Army or Marine Corps - hell, probably even the Coast Guard - Trump would be laid out dead right now, with more holes in him than a screen door.
    Thank a merciful deity this was an incompetent emo child with the weapon skills of a retarded toddler. And he still came within this ]------------------[ distance of killing his target with the first shot.

  15. Crooks was the patsy. I don't think he is who nicked Trump's ear.
    There is a video with audio of all the shots. An oscilloscope shows different times between the bullets and the sound of the gun going off. Different weapons, different distances.
