Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Bummer For All Y'All

If you thought Sen. Kneepads as veep was bad, wait'll you get a pantload of this @$$clown (Pelosi's nephew, FTW!)

He's currently polling as less popular than Emperor Poopypants, lawyers, and syphilis  hereabouts, when last we checked. We're only about $50B in debt now.

When you take back Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, 3/4 of loudmouth Hollyweird, 10M of your toothless, banjo-playing kinfolk, and ship back 15M illegal aliens nested here, we can talk about not palming him off on everyone else.

Until then, you have this coming to you. Not so funny now, is it? Well, except locally.
Gardez l'eau!


  1. whats even more disgusting then the pelosi version two touring the country is the medias lack of reporting why he is doing it when california is a wastebasket because of him and his followers.

  2. But he has such great hair! SIGH. So dreamboat.

  3. How about this compromise: requisition every wood chipper in the tristate area and line them up along every major river. You know the rest.

  4. Aesop,
    Gavin is nothing more than "Mitt Light". I loathe him. Smarmy, Artificial, Entirely Craven. God help us.

  5. gavin is circling biden like a vulture circles something not quite dead yet.

    he's waiting for the call to have a "meeting" with biden to do some "soul searching" and make a "difficult decision"

  6. ... and if elections mattered, this would be newsworthy. In other news, "Newsome wins national election by a thin margin after 7 days of mail-in vote recounting in selected swing states...."

    It's as if I have a crystal ball that can see into the future!!!!

  7. Keep in mind that CA votes for him, and that the electorate will have less than two minutes to vet him. This is how you get dog squeeze into the oval office.
