Sunday, July 14, 2024

Be A Man Among Men


  1. Query. Of what use is a woman on a SS detail that is 2 heads shorter than Trump? That detail knows that taking the bullet is in the job description. Can't do that if said person is shorter than the target. And there is watching the second DEI hire fumbling to get their weapon back in the holster. Keystone Kops.

    1. She's there for the diversity quota. She's a woman and got the job for that reason. It doesn't matter that she can't do the job. And to be fair, none of them can, and clearly proved it.


  2. I'm a big fan of the FBI; aren't you?

    I believe, but might be wrong, that Trump endorsed the idea of the FBI's Versailles style HQ. If so, i wonder if he has changed his mind.
