Thursday, July 25, 2024

And While They're Up...

It's far past time our worthless, shiftless congressweasels called Gen. Anthony Cotton (the irony of a black man named "cotton" we leave for another time), the head of STRATCOM, the folks who run our nuclear weapons forces, onto the carpet to answer about whether the White House "nuclear football" contains 
a) codes and communications gear for nuclear response, or 
b) crayons and coloring books to distract Emperor Poopypants when he gets cranky and needs a nap.

If the answer is a), Gen. Cotton should be court-martialed for dereliction of duty and gross negligence, in letting a functional retard with the wits of a potato within a million miles of nuclear weapons launch authority.

If the answer is b), Gen. Cotton should be court-martialed for sedition and high treason, in holding a soft coup.

Because there's no way anyone at his level can be showing leadership, intelligence, competence, and loyalty, all at the same time. His oath was to the Constitution, not the Potato In Chief. He needs to be court-martialed and fired in any event, and he should have brought forth his concerns, either to the chain of command, or direct to Congress, long since before now. We can't have anyone so toadying, waffling, and slovenly in charge of our nuclear forces, for even a minute. Period. Bust him to permanent colonel, and retire the sonofabitch, as a regrettable mistake. He's the archetypical example of why the Air Farce is an honorable alternative to actual military service. Curtis LeMay would have had him shot.

In either instance, the testimony in his defense should be evidence that it's 40 months past time when the Cabinet convened to strip Biden of his office and responsibilities, and send him back to the Delaware Home For Stumbling Bumbling Retards, to spend his declining months in peace and quiet, while he shits himself privately, after his family can gain no more perks from his former pretended glory.

The world is wondering every minute what kind of a potato is in charge of the entire US government, and the other nuclear powers, all eight of them, deserve to know that we haven't left our nuclear arsenal within the grasp of a diaper-shitting toddler with anger issues.

The congressweasels, all 435 of them up for re-election, need to stop tap-dancing and fucking around on such a critical point, and get down to brass tacks on this question, once and for all.

And then begin the drumbeat calling for Biden's removal, for cause.

This is too important an issue to be looking at politics. Armageddon is at stake.


  1. If you notice ,there are a whole lot of black folk running the military , or should I say , running the military into the ground. If the military can't protect the country , then why do we have it?

  2. Agree, but is Cameltoe any improvement?

  3. Sen. Kneepads has been the Facilitator In Chief of the fraud concerning Biden's mental capacity.

    The minute Biden is removed, her deliberate, willing, and active complicity in the perpetual fraud becomes the crux of the campaign.

    She loses 42 states or more, at that point, and becomes the Walter Mondale of the 21st century.

    Couldn't happen to a more deserving political cipher.

  4. for what it's worth "cotton" is also the term russians use for those random explosions and fires inside russia they can't seem to explain.

  5. all brought to you by obama.

  6. I SLIGHTLY disagree,

    LeMay would have handled the issue HIMSELF.

    Night Driver

  7. She loses 42 states or more, at that point,

    I would not hedge that bet.

    Remember, if you are a 100 IQ, half the American population is less than that.

    Jordan Petereson has timeless advice...

  8. Which explains the Democrat Party, 1840-present.

  9. Which explains the Democrat Party, 1840-present...

    Right now I would take Bill Clinton as POTUS in a heartbeat.....minus Hitllary...

    Remember/Think about it(we close to same age): Clinton minus Hillary in his first term would have been pretty damn good.

  10. Biden is working on his tan at the beach. It's President Harris, now.
