Thursday, June 20, 2024

R.I.P. Donald Sutherland

Aged 88, in Miami, after a long illness, and a 60-year career in motion pictures, notably in roles in The Dirty Dozen, Kelly's Heroes, M*A*S*H*, The Eagle Has Landed, Animal HouseOrdinary People (as virtually the only cast member in that movie stupidly not nominated for an Oscar), Backdraft, and Space Cowboys, just among the DVDs sitting on the nearby shelves.

Besides working constantly, in his acting career he racked up an Emmy, two Gloden Globes, and an honorary Oscar in 2017 to correct a 50-year oversight by the Academy.

Baby Brother, one of Big Green's tank commanders during the Cold War, could do this bit of dialogue of one of our favorite scenes of Sutherland calling from Chez Leon from memory. It's how we'll always remember Sutherland, fondly.

"You don't want in this thing, you don't get in this thing. I cut you out of everything; I don't need you. 60 feet of bridge I can pick up almost anywhere. Schmuck!"


  1. He no longer has to put up those Negative Waves. Woof! Woof!

  2. Yeah, the article I saw said "MASH and Hunger Games star". Um, no. Stop with the negative waves.

  3. The Eye of the Needle.

  4. This makes me sad. His performance in Kelly's Heroes set for me, I think, the bar for the individual out of place in his environment.

    1. I think his charactor's bravery became very respected by his peers! He had the right stuff! When we saw the movie when it 1st came out we stayed and saw it again!

  5. Woof! Woof! Woof!

    A deuce in the same week. Willie Mays at 93 and now Sutherland.

  6. And Animal House? He should have gotten an Oscar just for being with Karen Allen!

  7. "To you guys from New York, a hero is some kind of weird sandwich, not some nut that takes on three Tigers!"

  8. "De mortuis nil nisi bonum."

  9. Donald Sutherland .. the "Say Woof Woof Kid"

  10. A great actor. Unfortunately, a "great" Liberal, too.

  11. He was the Real Hawkeye at the 4077th.

  12. Wonderful actor, wonderful career.
