Thursday, May 9, 2024

You Might Want To Take Notes

Everybody who's ever had to take a fire safety class knows about the Fire Triangle:

Air, Heat, and Fuel. Any attack on one or more items puts out a fire.

People in the .Mil and civilian occupations have seen "Break The Chain" posters and lectures, noting that it is rarely one thing, but usually an unbroken string of bad or stupid things, that lead to a total disaster. Breaking one link "breaks the chain", and the disaster doesn't happen.

At its simplest, there's the template to every episode of Rescue 9-1-1 back in the day.

Implacable forces of nature + Human stupidity = drama and pathos.

Get rid of either one, and your stupidity wasn't featured on one of their episodes.

The root lesson, and the one I was hinting at in this previous post, is that folks should stop worrying about the current shenanigans on college campuses (or any future sort of Leftard tomfoolery and jackassery) like a serious problem, and start looking at them from a military perspective.

Meaning every event like that runs on several non-negotiable things:



Training and Operations



Attack one or more of those things, in any field of endeavor, and the enemy's plan fails, along a spectrum from tactical to strategic.

People: those are already there, but that's a blessing and a curse. People need water, food, rest, and sanitation.

Intelligence: They need to know what's going on beyond their personal horizon.

Training: If they haven't been trained for everything, there are weaknesses to exploit.

Operations: Thwart their mission, disrupt their activities, and their failure is assured.

Logistics: Anything they don't have in their pockets, needs to be prevented from reaching them, or prevented from working as designed.

Communications: Internal, and external. Jam it, cut it, delay it, or any combination, which all degrade their chances of accomplishing anything useful.

The more of those things you do, the more you degrade morale.

Which makes people question or ignore their leaders.

Which saps commitment.

Which undermines everything they attempt.

So all the things I whimsically suggested, and many more, could all be used (should all be used!) by whomever, to let these bumpkins and Useful Idiots know they're playing checkers in a world full of chess grand masters.

Block food and water, and that crowd will dwindle to nothing in about 2 days. Jesus will not be multiplying loaves and fishes, and if they didn't bring it, and can't get it, they won't be eating it.

Deny them rest, and they'll lose their minds in a couple of days. Literally.

Deny sanitary facilities, and it'll turn into a mass health crisis in the same amount of time.

Those sites are running on cell phones. Which run from helpfully obvious towers. Be a real bummer if someone dropped a soda can full of iron oxide and magnesium shavings on top of the control boxes, which somehow caught fire, and took those towers relays out for a few days, wouldn't it?

They lose contact, media access, communications, cohesion, everything.

Legacy media have satellite uplinks from their trucks, but the schmucks in the tent cities? They're deaf, dumb, blind, and stupid.

People could also get their hands on portable all-band cell phone jammers, stuff a few into backpacks, and wander nearby, creating the same effect. Someone might even plop a few into fake A/C units, with solar panels, on rooftops, and just let them run, for the same benefit. No cell, wifi, or any other nonsense. By the time they could be pinpointed and ID'ed, the event would be over. You could even set them to run at different times, in rotation, making DFing them more problematic. Serious HAMs could do it, but the yokels running that show? They'd be bumfuzzled.

Beavis and Butthead are using VHF, UHF, FRS, or CB? Selectively jam them. Let other communiques out. Gather intel. Spoof them with bogus messages. Pretend to be them, and issue retarded and embarrassing manifestos and messages, which will most assuredly be heard and disseminated, and now they're on the defensive having to deny things they never said, which go viral on all media outside their enclaves.

Anyone nearby could gin up totally bogus "protestor" videos too, and dump them onto YouTube and X. Comedy gold is where you mine it. Remember Churchill's line: "A lie will get halfway around the world, before the Truth has gotten its boots on." Use that reality to your advantage.

Simply suss out all the things underpinning those activities they're undertaking, and seek to take them apart one by one, until their whole effort is one giant clusterfuck.

Nobody has to do all of them. Pick one, and go wild on it. Be the chaos and friction Von Clausewitz warned military leaders about.

The other side aren't all that well-organized, so it isn't going to be that hard.

BONUS RESULT: Some day, when you're the G, operating operationally, you'll know all the ways your plans can be monkeywrenched, so you'll be fore-armed at thinking of alternate, contingency, and emergency methods to unscrew any attempts to screw with your efforts, come the day.

Both of which make your enemies look ridiculous, and lead to them being ridiculed.

"And then, kick them in the balls!"

 - Captain William Fairbairn's concluding remarks, after each and every dirty move he taught commandos in hand-to-hand combat during WWII.


  1. Printing this out for future reference. Thanks!

  2. Now I'm wondering if the video of the gal in the mask shilling for the DPRK at a Palestinian rally is an example of a chess grand master at work.

  3. Excellent commentary!

  4. The heart of the problem is these "protesters" are government agents acting in support of a government agenda and thus have the full protection and support of he government who WILL do whatever is necessary to support them and thwart/arrest anyone interfering with the "protesters". The college students involved are just the cannon fodder the people running things couldn't care less about. These "protests" are planned and implemented by paid professionals.

  5. For pure balling-up-the-works great ideas. But your timing is critical.

    The first rule is listen more than you transmit. Especially in the early stages. Generally these events start out as rabble but ends up with a loose chain of command. Targeted persecution of the top layer once defined pays dividends. The tech exists in the FOSS community to build a Stingray --

    Find the ring leaders' devices and let the fun begin.

  6. Don't forget that all of these "spontaneous protests" are planned and coordinated by a small number of professionals, about 2 dozen nationally, some of which are better regarded than others.
    Lisa Fithian is considered by some in the know to be the best of the group.

  7. @Dan,
    Knowing that, stop threatening me with a good time.
    Screw up the protests = screw up TPTB?
    I'll take a double dose, please!

    Right. And she's not untouchable.
    She has a home. In Texas, in fact.
    And screwing with a single person, instead of a whole protest, the dividends grow exponentially, and the problems become exponentially easier.

  8. @Aesop... I think she has moved from Austin to Oregon. Regardless, the point made is valid.

  9. yeah, don’t mess with cell towers… use a spark gap transmitter –
