Monday, May 27, 2024

Absent Comrades


  1. Thanks for posting. That's the most moving part of that movie to me. Every time I hear people say Happy Memorial Day or the media say go out and celebrate the holidy I want to puke.Its not a celebration its a remembrance of those who didn't come back. Its a dam shame the Russians do a better job of remembering the fallen than us!
    And NO fucking one that wasn't a vet should be allowed to get any day or time off for it. The same for veterans day, you didn't serve then fuck you and your thank you for serving bullshit canned comment.....

  2. Dear IcyReaper (super nice bullsh*t handle, bozo):

    Fuck you, sideways. With a rusty chainsaw.

    When the Boogaloo comes I don't want you on my side, because you are either (a) a complete poseur or (b) a total asshole who can't tell allies from the rabble or (c) an asshole who is too stupid to know friends from foe.

    Quite frankly, that makes me think you are too dim to know how the Opposition(tm) works.

    Go away, you're too short for this ride.

    And NO fucking one that wasn't a vet should be allowed to get any day or time off for it.

    My grandfather was in the Great War, my Dad and Uncle were in Korea, my nephew was in Flaujah and I was in civilian Intel in the 1980s. Get over yourself, you asshole. Lots of folks other than you served too.

    Like I said, fuck you sideways with a chainsaw, you blow hard.

    Aesop, I must apologize to you for this comment, but your did riff off of me, that this blow hard did tell me and mine that we're not f'ing good. Nuck the comment if you want, although I will be disappointed if you do.

    Mr. IcyReaper is not welcome at my place ever. Asshole.
