Tuesday, April 2, 2024

You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet, Jack!

 h/t WRSA


  1. And in totally unrelated news - we pinky promise! - two million voter registrations without voter ID have been completed in the last three months in three very important states. The notoriously corrupted voter systems of Pennsylvania and Arizona, along with Texas. Which seemingly is joining those other corrupted systems.

  2. Texas has been purpling up nicely for decades.

    Once it's flipped like Califrutopia was in 1992, you've seen your last Republicrat president for ever, and it'll be straight Democommunists from that moment until The Great Comeuppance, with associated bloodbath.

  3. "Texas has been purpling up nicely for decades."

    Indeed, in the major metro areas. Oddly several of the southern border counties have flipped blue to red due to the damage created by illegals. Won't matter tho, just like in Cali, the urban center voting will swamp county level switch ups. Cali itself is bold red except where it counts, the heavily laden blue strip along the coast.
