Tuesday, March 12, 2024


 h/t Irish


  1. It’s very good for the soul, but the battle for America will be fought in the suburbs.




  2. I'd bet cash money the battle for America will be fought anywhere there are people.

  3. "I'd bet cash money the battle for America will be fought anywhere there are people." -- Aesop

    Truly, but thanks to Fed policy it won't be cash they will be fighting over.

  4. I'm up in the Appalachian foothills for a 5-day business meeting. I drove my truck. Part of my load out was deciding to take either my 5.56 or .308 AR. I took the latter since if I need one up here I need some range with a round that I know performs on full size truck bodies at that range. I'd sure feel dumb if something happens while I'm on the road, need it, and it's in the rack at home. Gray Fox

  5. There is no better vacation than camping where there is no cell signal. Roll out of your sleeping bag about 7, build a fire, eat breakfast, read a book until noon. Make lunch then go for a walk about the campground. Read a book until the sun starts to go down then fix supper. Build up the fire for s'mores. Read a book until sleepy then crawl into your sleeping bag. Repeat.

  6. After camping once a month for several years, the kit got smaller, and didn't require many batteries.
