Friday, March 1, 2024

DNC 2024 Strategy Unveiled

 h/t cw's weekly serendipity


  1. The DNC's 2024 strategy is identical to their 2020 strategy. Cheat. Massively.
    They got away with it then and they'll get away with it this time.

  2. You once published a list/compilation of "things" one could legally do to make someone's life a living hellscape. Will you please republish these...asking for a friend?

  3. I would if I knew to what list you refer.
    Not saying I did or didn't, just that I have no recollection of compiling such a list.

    1. The one list that suggested such things as signing folks up for magazines they didn't order and a host of other things that would upset those around them.

  4. I wonder if my parents and beloved wife are going to be voting. Last time my parents weren't listed as voting, but my wife did. I reported it, since she died in 2007, but that went absolutely nowhere. All I got back was a nasty email asking about how I knew. Gee, I went to the AZ voting online check, and since she was, well, My Wife, I knew the answers to all the verification questions.

  5. There is a good older book about various techniques of revenge by George Hayaduke called "Get Even" that may substitute for the list requested
    John in Indy

    1. Thanks, I'll see if I can get a copy.

  6. An old annoyance was make penny deposits in the night drop at their bank. Course you have to know the relevant information for the deposit... Banks find that akin to harassment. Might not be able to pull it off these days thanks to cameras and the like. YMMV.

  7. How about some News about the Russian Ukraine war

  8. Sure thing, Anonymous Midwit:
    Russia's now on Day 738 of a 3-day war, and week 105 of "Two Weeks To Flatten Kiev".
    Your turn: How about some news about how Rootin' For Putin's working out for ya?
    Still smoking that Any Day Now™ hopeium?

    Crawl back in your litter box, and bury yourself like a good little turd.
