Friday, January 26, 2024

Pay Attention, Please

Emperor Poopypants may be just the senile @$$clown to kick off a shooting civil war. 

We live in hope.

His moronic incompetence has been his defining personal characteristic, even before he lost what was left of his tiny mind. Then again, he could just waffle until a suitable "Look, squirrel!" moment, and slink away from direct confrontation over one small and insignificant stretch along a 2000-mile border as porous as chicken wire.

The bigger issue in the Texas kerfluffle is that Poopypants and FedGov can waffle on the piddling park concertina slapfight, because at the end of the day, it just forces illegals to walk through the official border crossing gates, which are already welded open, and where federal minions welcome all comers with no background check and open parole.

If Abbott and Texas' next move isn't to throw razor wire up around the official border checkpoints and the CBP holding pens everywhere in Texas as well, and keep it there 24/7/forever, they still manage to pull defeat out of the jaws of victory on this.

Letting the feckless Feds march de facto amnestied illegals right into America anyways gives TPTB their Little Rock schoolhouse moment, and they'll dunk on it, rub everyone's noses in it, and dance on Abbott's lap afterwards, laughing their asses off the whole time, and rightfully so.

Somebody in the [R] Powers-That-Be better address that 800-pound gorilla in about a minute, or the current thing is all just a fart in a hurricane.

If the GOPe plan is just to have everyone watch the hand the magician is waving, we all get fooled again.


  1. Excellent points, and I'm afraid of what the answer is going to be...again...

  2. Pedo Joe is NOT responsible for ANY of this. He's doing well if he remembers his name and what day of the week it is. He's the convenient scapegoat for when it all goes to hell. The people actually doing this are UNELECTED, UNACCOUNTABLE and for the most part anonymous. When the SHTF they will skulk off into the shadows and avoid punishment for their crimes. Blaming and punishing Pedo Joe is EXACTLY what the real culprits want us to do.

  3. Dan,

    Have you heard the saying -- 'The buck stops here'. Kinda popular with Truman. Still applies.

  4. It would be quite entertaining to see TX Nat Grd or TX Rangers (aka DPS) detain the CPB at the major border points. Be one hell of an escalation.

  5. The "compromise" suggested is the biggest treason every contemplated on the American people.

    No more.
