Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Glitter Bomb 6.0 - The Absolute Final Edition

Mark Rober continues to do God's own work, and hasn't made a bad video in 6 years.

This is no exception. Merry Christmas.


  1. There seems to be a common theme.

  2. Who is committing these crimes and who is facilitating these crimes is well known. The criminals in power WANT these crimes to occur. It serves their agenda. Till we exterminate the criminals in power the criminals on the street will be allowed to continue their crime spree.

  3. Nonetheless, the technological spankings are quite funny.

    It would be even funnier if he'd substituted a pound each of C-4 and ball bearings for fart spray and glitter, but the laws are unfortunately rather strict about that.
    More's the pity.

  4. That a "veteran investigative reporter" wouldn't know that criminals use stolen cars/plates to commit crimes is laughable.
    Love this guys work in shutting down the Indian scammers.

  5. ...and no arrests of the thieving punks while the "known fencing operation" continues unabated. How much stuff on eBay runs through those places?

    Rober makes Bill Nye look like the poseur he is, and makes science and engineering fun, as it should be.

  6. Great minds think alike... instead of 'fart spray' how about some homemade Ricin?

    Also no warning countdown either... why warn POS's like that?

  7. @Matthew,
    To be fair, it was relative rookie Rober who was surprised the thieves were sophisticated enough to steal matching license plates before otherwise-amateur smash and grabs, not the reporter.

    And he wasn't shocked and astonished, more just noting the level of deliberate planning evidenced by petty thieves for what amounts to probably the lowest-IQ form of theft known to man.

    Personally, I'd rather use a suppressed .22 and an entire car with shatterproof glass, and pick them off one by one for the attempt.
    Then scoop the bodies up for use as shark food off the Farallons.
    Where the Great Whites congregate.
    But I'm sentimental like that.

    If we're going to kowtow to the squeamish, I'd settle for just kneecapping the bastards for a first attempt.
    Then, as the Irish prayer goes, we'd "know them by their limping".
    And getaways would become even better cinema.

  8. I hope he's really not done, but I could see it being so. Liability . . .

  9. I think he's simply got nowhere left to go with it (that's legal), and he's made his point that TPTB simply don't GAF anyways, so why bother?

    The greater point is that being as smart and successful as he obviously is, why doesn't he GTFO of the Bay Area?
    CA is full of much nicer places to live that aren't so overrun with douchebags, both criminal and official.
    None of them are within 100 miles of the Golden Gate.

    At any rate, he's still going to be making videos, but the Glitter Bomb project has maxxed out.

  10. Spraying Caterpillar Yellow paint instead of glitter would be the gift that keeps on giving.

  11. His squirrel vids are still my favorite. He really made them work hard for the treats, and the vids prove that squirrel's are smarter than 85% of Americans.

  12. "The greater point is that being as smart and successful as he obviously is, why doesn't he GTFO of the Bay Area?" -- Aesop

    I will grant that SF is ground zero in stupidity and villainy. But so long as Sacramento provides air cover is there any place in CA that makes sense any more?

  13. There are plenty of nicer places in Califrutopia where it's still not a sh*thole, despite Sacto's best efforts.
    The first step is recognizing you're not in one.

  14. New Orleans truck owner gets tired of din do-nuffins breaking into his truck, and rigs up a flash-bang.

    He should have added CS to the mix.....

  15. Of course, there's always this:

    The ATF may take exception though....
