Friday, October 20, 2023

Safari Walkabout

I haven't taken an actual multi-week GTFO of Dodge vacation since...2000.

That one was to perfect beaches on the Leeward Coast of Maui, with a beautiful and long-legged blonde lady. One that eventually got away. Not doing that trip again until the locals there decide whether they're in mourning, or want tourists, and come up with an answer they can stick to. And a fiancée that'll stick around, instead of fool around. Don't need the drama on either score.

Turns out I had to take this time off, because I've banked so much vacation time on the books at work that I start losing it if I don't.

And despite pondering long and hard about where I'd go, for about a month, nothing really came to mind. Still hasn't.

Thus no plane tickets. So it's me, and a tank of gas. Or three.

If I post anything this side of early November, I'd be surprised. There will probably be a couple of timed posts for Sunday Music, but not likely much else. And maybe not even that.

As I told CW over at Daily Timewaster, I may take a camera and see if I can find him anything suitable for his Friday Open Road posts.

I may go sit by a pool or beach, I may go play with wilderness and survival skills, or I may go visiting places I've never been, or haven't been in a long time. Perhaps a mix of all of the above.

At any rate, my bills are paid, there's both a packed suitcase and a backpack in the car, I have a paycheck that isn't spoken for, and nowhere to be for a couple of weeks that I don't want to be.

This chair behind the keyboard isn't going to be one of those places. Anyone thinking (or wishing) otherwise is in for disappointment.

Last I looked, I get between 6K and 10K hits/day here. And while that always humbles me, I'm sure you'll all live without me for the hiatus, and the Usual Couple Of Wiseasses will have to go back to hitting themselves in the head with hammers for amusement, like they obviously do most days.

The rest of you not so handicapped will doubtless find plenty of other fodder on the 'net - and in life - to entertain yourselves while the free ice cream machine here is turned off. We commend to you the right-hand column, for openers.

Heaven knows, quite a lot could happen in two weeks. Or not much.

Whether we ever come back is a question for fate, heaven, and happenstance, to be settled another month than the current one.

We leave you all our best wishes.

This should be fun.


  1. Take the road less travelled, the farther from the herd, the better

  2. Have fun. Stay safe. See you whenever.


    Next weekend. About 1/2 hour SE of Kingman, AZ.

  4. Safe travels (or not)

    Just make sure you don't go -too far- from the casa w/out having your 'go to hell gear' w/you. My personal rule is anything more than a 10 minute drive from the Hard Point = Full Loadout (enough 'stuff' to get back to the Hard Point on foot, but preferably via vehicular conveyance, however camel/donkey/horses DO count towards locomotion if needed)

    Better safe than sorry and sore.


  5. Have a blast - but come back!!! Please! PLEASE???

  6. Have a much deserved good time.

  7. Best wishes to you on your extended hiatus from this mad, mad world. Rejuvenate and restore your soul. This crazy world will still be here when you return. And so will your loyal readers. Btw, I’m a long-legged blond lady 😁. The husband took leave the entire month of December last year due to use it or lose it. Spent most of it in Key West at Navy Inns and lodges. And some leave in Mayport Naval base. Good times.

    Take care
    Harley Quinn

  8. Gonna miss your posts, but I wish you a very enjoyable trip.
    Had to smile about your last trip to western maui. Eight years earlier I did exactly the same with another long legged blonde,, gone as well…actually we decided to end it on Big Island.
    Went back to Berlin, decided to live a happy and adventurous single life and met that brunette. Married for thirty years now…
    Very thankful ever after for that Hawaii trip.
    Signed: your avid german reader

  9. Have fun. Maybe try to hit the best State parks and museums in each State you visit, and check out the good small restaurants on the way.
    John in Indy

  10. Enjoy…everyone needs to decompress once in a while.

  11. Have fun. Decompress. Wander.

    Enjoy your time off.

  12. Have fun, get fresh air, and enjoy doing blissful nothingness. There is something about an open road and all it entices, that speaks volumes about being AMERICAN. Just moving and looking and taking in the views-something no foreign entity understands. We are wanderers of the best sort.

  13. Enjoy your vacation. Will be glad when you are back.

  14. Enjoy your well-deserved time off. We'll be here when you get back. But so will the giant mess we're in.

  15. My suggestion would be to go to Northern Nevada and look for a cheap piece of land or home as a possible SHTF destination. Since you likely will go through a real life rerun of "Escape From L.A."

  16. If you wanna hit Montana, I can put you up gratis in my AirBnb for a few days as you drive up to Glacier or down to Yellowstone.

  17. As I do for many people, I very strongly recommend Lassen Volcanic National Park. It’s the transition between the Sierras and the Cascades. Beautiful and generally uncrowned. Old time California.

  18. Please do enjoy yerself!!

    Stay away from Politics n war news if you can.

    Given your prolific output and insightful opinions, I guess you'll make it about 3 days, then go looking for input.

    Thanks for all the free icecream!

  19. Whatever you do, do it with your best gusto and spend the time goin' nowhere to do nothin', 'cuzza "best laid plans of mice and men..." Have a wonderfully great time, Aesop, and maybe we'll see you on the flip side. Bless God, God bless. Happy trails, et-al.

  20. Have a great time! Remember that the best life experiences often come when we least expect them. This includes experiences in romance and relationships. Be safe.

  21. Talk to Concerned American, he's been to my bunker.

    You'd be welcome here, but, I'm in South Carolina.

    Both I and my wife are RNs.

  22. Enjoy yourself. Things will be more or less the same as they were when you left.

  23. Have the best of times, Aesop. I hope you have an enjoyable vacation.

  24. Safe travels and good times to you.

  25. Enjoy yourself, got bail money held by a friend?

  26. If you are near the southwest, come to the little towns and forest service campgrounds between I25 and Silver City, NM. It’s beautiful with perfect weather right now. Arrive on Thursday evening. There’s an RV park in Hillsboro. Eat at the cafe, best southern NM food made with real Hatch chile. If you play music, join the picker’s circle on Saturday morning. You may luck into a weekend with activities like a concert. The town park has a pricy, clean water and camping is free. The old jail where B the K was held is partially standing, along with the ruin of the courthouse where the Fountain trial was held. The town has bout 150 full time residents and an equal number of part timers. No formal government, some wanna-bes that we ignore. Right now it is beautiful. Stop by!

  27. Sounds like you've got it covered pretty well. Have a good time, eat some luscious, awesome sea food. Oh wait, that's what I want to do. OK, do whatever ya want. We'll wait here.

  28. Thank you for all of the great content, and the intellectual bones you provide for us to "chew on."
    Have a great time, see you on the other side.
    Bear in Indy

  29. Fair travels, Aesop. With affection, gratitude, and a place to land in Texas.
