Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Go. See Big Government's Ox Gored.


Read. The. Whole. Thing.

This is a magnum opus. Were one to write only this one piece, it would still merit a vote into the Hall Of Fame.

Make copies. Spread them around.


  1. So, you now support an open Southern border, because you now recognize it's not morally valid to control where other people live and work?

    Open borders is unrelated to the question of who receives tax-funded benefits; government could choose to examine past tax returns before releasing benefits.

  2. "The mother ship will eventually be brought down by its inherent contradiction."


    How, exactly?

    How is even a few million people asking questions and pointing out contradictions going to make the mother ship implode?

    The orcs don't care. They can still automatically withhold taxes, manipulate the entitlement systems, get the media to mock and demonize the questioners, and if all else fails, send out their Antifa goon squads to bust a few heads. And if anyone resists, there's a judge or two ready to send them to the gulag for 20 years.

    I'm tired of all these "it's time to bring the whole thing down" articles, by people whose sentiments I totally agree with, but who don't suggest a practical plan for how to do so. When there is a plan, and an effort to actually implement it, then I'll be impressed. Until then? Yawn.

  3. It was a good read, but I would be remiss to point out that Ayn Rand laid all this out in allegory form in 'Atlas Shrugged'. But if you really want to gore the Ox eliminate the 16th and remand that only imports shall be taxed. Two things will happen:

    1) Prices of many things will skyrocket in the short term.
    2) Domestic production will supplant the imports in a explosion reducing cost of those many things.

    Banks won't be too happy, many an enterprise could self-fund expansion in the taxes that are no longer extracted.

  4. @Anonymous Fucktard 7:24A,

    Please tell the class where I said any of that.
    Show your work, or scuttle back under your bridge.

  5. @T-Rav,

    People have to know something is so before they'll do anything about it.

    99% of anyone wouldn't take the time to even read Gore's post.

    I'm frustrated by the inaction to date as well. But you can't grow crops by pulling on them. They have to be watered and given sunlight. This is that.

    The first Revolution took decades to ferment to working strength. This one will be no different.

    Agitate. Always, agitate.

  6. Loved the article but we are still waiting for the starting gun. You're right, we need to use this valuable time wisely. Food and water to store, weapons to polish, and stories to write. Revolutions are a lot like pot roast; they take forever to cook but juices are medicinal. And this country needs some strong medicine.

  7. “Slaves with no right to what they produce don’t produce much.”

    Small banned incandescent light bulb flicks on…
