Sunday, September 10, 2023

Dirty Jobs: Be A Man Among Men


  1. I heard about a German nurse that gave out saline shots instead of the Vaxx. All charges dropped. Bravo.

  2. Apologies, failed to scroll down thru all the mask stuff. Not wearing one btw.

  3. I think the idea for the meme great, however...

    I could be wrong, but that appears to be a picture of Jonas Salk, developer of the polio vaccine administering the shot to the young lass. Compare with --

    Something tells me he would not have put up with the idiotarcy we put up with, 2020-22 were he alive to see it.

  4. It's Salk.
    He wouldn't have sat still for the current nonsense, but then again he wouldn't have called Death Jab juice a vaxx.

    I take the pictures I find.
