Sunday, August 27, 2023

Sunday Music: Bad To The Bone


Cultural icon anthem that never charted, from 1982.

Also the marching song of the 45th president. If he somehow becomes the 47th as well, this song should replace "Hail To The Chief".


  1. Along with Gainesville Florida's BO DIDDELY!

  2. I used to play harmonica to this song (on cassette!) to the sax parts when I was doing long drives by myself. It probably sounded like crap, but I enjoyed it.

  3. One of my biggest regrets of my college years is that I didn't go along with my friend who wanted to see the free "George Thrugood" show at the student union one evening around 1978-79. I don't know what I ended up doing instead, but it couldn't have been half as cool.

  4. Buh-buh-buh BAD to thuh bone…
    And YEA,Bo Diddley!
    Bet everyone here knows the words to this tune.

    And then there’s “Who Do You Love”. Cobra snake for a necktie,et al. Classical masters,take a bow George and Destroyers.

  5. That's one of my personal favorites.
