Thursday, August 10, 2023

Operation Juggernaut


  1. Something to be said for the second meme on this post. Most of Trump's followers are not looking for a Savior, but a wrecking ball. They figure blow most of it up; we paid for it and we can fix it. That 48% of the population that pay nothing into the system can stuff it.

  2. It's astonishing to me how many liberals think that he organized the movement against them and that if they take him out the movement will fall apart.
    They don't realize he is a symptom of the movement, the one who has best taken advantage of it.
    Removing him will not only not stop the movement, it guarantees it will grow stronger.

  3. No pretending, the CCP and Davos, are our rulers. This can end only one of two ways: freedom or we become CCP slaves, or NWO serfs.
    They hate us so much, our government sends billions to corrupt countries, while bankrupting Our Sovereign Nation.
    Bear in Indy

  4. ...and they STILL haven't figured it out. After five years of Weiss investigating Bribem Jr. with hardly any of the actual charges being filed and a plea deal that blew up in their faces, they double down and appoint Weiss, a government lawyer, as Special Council.

    The rules of Special Council appointments clearly state that a non-government lawyer is to be appointed as Special Council. Not that this entire administration cares about silly things like rules and laws, especially AG Garland.

    So, IMHO, this appointment is illegal and should be challenged in court by the Republicans, who have their panties all in a knot about it, but won't do an effing thing, as usual.

    One of glaring charges that should have been made against Hunter and wasn't is violation of the The Foreign Agents Registration Act ( FARA) ( 22 U.S.C. § 611 et seq.). Additionally, FARA charges should be laid against every Bribem family member that received any kind of payment from a foreign government, no matter how many times it was laundered through the many, many, many companies that Hunter set up for just that purpose.

    Of course the reason Weiss didn't charge Hunter with FARA violations is because following the money would lead directly to Joe Bribem.

    Isn't it wonderful that the Demonrats stole an election to install an arch criminal enterprise at 1600 Penn Ave?

    Then they wonder why people are pissed off.


  5. "No pretending, the CCP and Davos, are our rulers." Bit players. Go take a look at BlackRock. That firm controls $80Tn in assets. Their yearly income stream is larger than the GDP of ALL the countries on the planet except the US and China. Add to the fact that BlackRock is applying ESG scoring to who has access to the capital markets and you have to ask -- Who is the king?

    That name is Larry Fink.
