Saturday, July 8, 2023

Point: Counterpoint

 h/t WRSA

Just saying.


  1. You've convinced me, I need to start participating. It's our patriotic duty. I'm a little rusty at this though, it's with a box, right?

  2. Personally I'm a fan of the rope. Or, like the Khmer Rouge, a blow to the back of the neck from a pickaxe handle.

    I don't even want to think about the cost of helicopter flight hours, but you can get a few metres of rope or a half dozen pickaxe handles from any hardware store for a few dollars and they'll work repeatedly and reliably for years.

  3. I wonder who Biden isn't inferior to?

    1. The French Revolution certainly seemed to think so. Hence why they killed 600,000 people for no good reason and wound up with a military dictatorship that ultimately killed 30% of France’s population.

      Merely purging the pricks isn’t enough. There has to be something to fill the power vacuum left behind.

  4. That question was answered 250 years ago.
    We know what to fill the vacuum with.
    The problem was when it began to be usurped by poseurs and charlatans.

    "A republic, if you can keep it..." wasn't grounded in mere idle speculation.
