Saturday, July 1, 2023

Looks Like The Weather's Gone Potty

 h/t Tam

"Truth is always stranger than fiction, because fiction has to make sense."

This event could only have been better if it hit Flushing Meadows NYFC, Poo Poo Point WA, Crap Albania, or Poop Mexico. We would have added Shit Iran to that list, but there, by definition, every storm is a Shit storm. (It would be too good to be true if this town was also host to a religious shrine: Holy Shit! Or had a drive-thru: Shitburger. Tapping into that one locale could put Iran on a profit basis just on merchandising. They could go DJT one better, and rename the province Shitholia, and retire on the t-shirt royalties which, unlike oil, would never run out.)

And if you didn't know about any of these places, it's fair to say you don't know Shit.

As it is, we'll be writing the NCAA and recommending they find the closest college stadium to that corner of Nebraska/Wyoming border, and announce it as the perpetual site of the annual Tidy Bowl. Charmin, Ajax, ExLax, Metamucil, and Depends would be falling all over themselves to sponsor it. Maybe even The Gas Company.

And when the political folks found out, the money they'd make from that obvious tie-in would turn the town into Las Vegas North.

We may be onto something here. We'd pursue this even farther down, the, um,...rabbit hole, but frankly, we just don't give a shit.


  1. The best thing about Twitter being down for the past day and a half is that all the people who insist on linking to Twitter without providing any context or explanation or details look exactly as stupid as they are.

    Elon, please make this last much, much longer.

  2. A real scientist would have put this in a SCATter plot.
