Sunday, June 25, 2023

For The People With Half A Brain:

And you know who you are.

So do most other people, and we applaud your ceaseless willingness to do faceplants to entertain the entire internet. You have the right to remain silent, but you lack the ability.

In today's example, by cock-a-doodle-dooing over the speedy conclusion to the Prigozhin insurrection in Russia.

Believe me when I say leaving your mostly anonymous rants in the spam bin was an act of sheerest mercy on my part.

So as the tiny-minded among the population strut their lack of basic perception and geopolitical ignorance, a few pointers.

1) Putin won second place in yesterday's insurrection.
Everybody who can walk and chew gum at the same time knows this, because strong leaders winning wars and uniting countries behind their cause don't have armed insurrections marching on their capitols.

This can be disproven:

Remind the class how Washington was forced to turn around, and hang the Continental Congress because of Valley Forge.
Then tell us about the time Andrew Jackson surrendered New Orleans, because President Madison had left him with nothing to defend it from the British.
Recount for us the stirring tales of McClellan seizing Washington D.C. after the debacles in Virgina because of Lincoln's incompetence.
And that time Stonewall Jackson held Jefferson Davis hostage until he had properly equipped Jackson's Brigade with arms, food, clothing, and shoes.
Who can forget the rapid capitulation at the Alamo, when the defenders there, realizing Sam Houston had sold them out, captured Travis, Bowie, and Crockett, turned them over to the Mexican Army, switched sides, and declared their undying allegiance to Presidénte/General Santa Anna.
That time Teddy Roosevelt charged up Capitol Hill, and laid waste to the Congress for the disastrous Cuban campaign.
The Lost Battalion in France surrendering en masse.
Admirals Stark and Nimitz threatening to shoot FDR after Pearl Harbor.
MacArthur's mutiny after the fall of the Philippines.
The 101st Airborne's tragic surrender while surrounded at Bastogne.
The Marines who converted to communism at the Chosin Reservoir.
And on and on.

Oh, wait. None of those things ever happened.

Vlad has been sucking ass since he set off on this futile quest, and yesterday only underlined it in red ink.

"Vladimir Putin is far weaker than his propagandists in both Russia and the West would have us believe.

And how could he not be the target of withering scorn and derision?

He’s driven Russia off a cliff and has no idea of how to bring about a soft landing. Given the disastrous shape of his army, economy, and realm, it would be a downright miracle for no opposition to his self-destructive misrule to have emerged."

2) Putin negotiated with terrorists.
What else do you call such a 180° whiplash-inducing switch as was seen from Friday to Saturday?


3) The Russian military is weak.
So weak they negotiated, rather than stand and oppose Wagner Group and its warlord.
They lost men, two helicopters shot down, and Wagner took a regional military HQ intact, with hardly a shot fired. Nobody was dying for Putin on home turf.
And Putin negotiated, because they genuinely didn't think they could stop Prigozhin before his forces got to Moscow. Nor were they entirely sure the military would fight Prigozhin to defend them, neither far away nor near to Kremlin HQ. (Being a dick-tater is all hell.)
When you're strong, you crush the opposition, and hang the traitors.
You don't cut them any slack, let alone cut them deals worthy of a Hunter Biden plea bargain.

4) Russia's Ukraine campaign is further weakened.
Russia only has about 500K ground forces.(Or did, before last February. Now, it's more like 300,000.) And now the 50,000 mercenaries of Wagner Group are no longer an option.
Supposedly, they'll be contracted directly into the Russian forces.
As. If.
If they remain as a group, they remain the same threat to state security they were to Moscow and Putin the minute Prigozhin decides to renege on the deal, and turn the insurrection back on.
If Putin breaks them up and parcels them out, he spreads unreliable elements into every command in the army to which they're detailed, sowing the seeds of a bigger mutiny next time. And guarantees a next time.
And if Putin tries to eliminate them and/or Prigozhin, and Russia reneges on the deal, the original causa revolutionis is restored, front and center.
Heads they win, tails Putin loses.

5) Prigozhin is a Russian rock star and folk hero.
Nobody was protesting him when he took the HQ in Rostov-On-The-Don. They were cheering the man who told the government where to head in. They were posing for selfies with him, FFS. Putin and Shoigu, by contrast, are the LBJ and McNamara of this war. People don't pose with them, they throw bombs at them if they get the chance.
Prigozhin:"The president is wrong about the betrayal of Motherland. We are the patriots of our homeland; we fought before and we are fighting now. All the fighters of the Wagner private military company. And no one is going to surrender at the request of the president, the FSB or anyone else. We do not want the country to continue to live in corruption, deception and bureaucracy....”
Average Russians are eating that shit up, with a ladle.

6) Every other Russian Federation republic, especially the troublesome ones, noticed 1-5.
Putin just invited the next dozen insurrections. When you give a mouse a cookie...

7) China saw how weak, fragmented, and dysfunctional Russia is. And Putin's precarious perch atop the crumbling edifice. And the Russian Army's inability to end the insurrection on the terms demanded early on by Putin and the Ministry of Defense. India saw it too. So did Iran. So did 160 UN member nations. Putin pulled his pants down, showed his ass, and slapped his bare ass cheeks in front of the world, and Prigozhin made him do it. Everyone knows Putin, the government, and the Russian army are paper tigers. (As if getting kicked in the dick daily for 16 months by a country and people a fraction of Russia's size and power wasn't enough proof in that regard.) 

8) There is no walking any of that back. Witless wonders think Friday's coup will be memory-holed by those of us who pointed it out, now that it's "over". As. If. 
Friday was Von Stauffenberg bombing Hitler's meeting. When you're winning a war, your own side doesn't try to take out your leadership.
And even Hitler didn't send the plotters on R&R, nor forgive and forget the attempt. Putin did. Because he had no other choice.
The only thing that'll be memory-holed is the Putards trying to pretend this isn't the glaringly obvious proof that Putin, the war, and the Russian Federation are a failed leader, a failed effort, and a failed state. 
Gaslighting that reality is what they do when reality pisses them off. 
"Putin's playing the Long Game." 
"Any Day Now™" Russia will show you!"

Recall, nota bene, that I told you on Friday this was the beginning of the Russian devolution. It's the biggest crack to date - so far - in a shattered pile of festering shite.
You will see this material again.

"Russia today increasingly resembles Russia in 1917, a comparison that even Putin made in his address. An unwinnable war, a collapsing economy, a demoralized population, a fragmented elite, an incompetent leader, and an ineffective and demoralized army led to regime collapse and revolution then, and are very likely to lead to similar outcomes today."

9) And knowing that is what has Putin, 100 toadies nearest him - including every military leader thereabouts - and ten other Russian sub-states and other sovereign nations at minimum now paying attention, and they'll be looking for ways to shake Putin's tree, like a chimp-out mob rocking a police car before they finally flip it over.
You ain't seen nothin' yet.

10) So for those of you who couldn't help half-wittedly creaming yourself over the speedy conclusion of the first bog-obvious and indisputable armed mutiny inside Russia, maybe stop thinking with your little heads, and use whatever stump you've got protruding from your collar as something besides a hat rack. Because if you don't, that stinging sensation down there is going to be you, the next time you jump all over your junk, with cleats on, like you're doing this time. And like beating your heads against a brick wall, it'll feel so good to stop.


  1. LOL, Classic Aesop, time will tell.

  2. Classic Michael: You're overlooking that by this happening at all, time is already telling. Some people just refuse to listen to the bells tolling, even when those bells are using their heads as a clapper.

  3. Not a lot of folks see the universe as your do Aesop.

    From Cold Fury

    Was the Prigozhin Putsch a Putin put-up job?

    The unexpected thing that happened however was Putin transferred a large number of Tactical Nuclear Weapons to Belarus.

    Now why the fuck did they do that?

    I think I have an idea.

    So…Wagner had some ‘issues’ with the MOD and Priggy got all riled up on the regular…yelling screaming, various ‘incidents’ that were, oddly enough publicized by the Russians themselves, which had the NATO kids and the Krainians all happy as it showed ‘fractures’ in the SMO and it’s most effective group Wagner. Wagner being a Private Military Company, not fully subordinate to the MoD, but hey…they did do the majority of the heavy lifting.

    Now. Not getting into the whole breakdown of the “Who How Where and Why” of this mutiny. What I noticed was the pattern of it…Priggy and his boys, with very little interference from the “Regular Army” started marching North towards Moscow with the “intent of throwing Shoigu and Gerasimov out” and possibly taking control of Russia itself and throwing Putin out completely.

    Needless to say, the US and the Krain practically nutted on themselves on the word of this coming out, but there’s also some word leaking that they (NATO et. al.) had a hand in this and had paid off Priggy to do this exact thing…we’ll never know the truth but the RUMINT is flying around out there…

    Either way, what got MY attention was where Priggy and his boys had stopped on their Magical Mutiny Tour:

    Looking on Google Erf, Elets or Yelets has a major East-West Highway which hooks onto another major highway…now, supposedly Wagner and Prigozhin have accepted “exile” in Belarus. And the reports are they stopped in Elets, hooked a left, and drove down into Belarus…word is it about 25k troops that went with him, with about another 10k staying behind.

    Now, to me?

    Putin doesn’t let reporters who say bad things about him in the news live.

    Why the fuck isn’t Priggy and his boys being jailed or at least Prigozhin himself? Putins killed for a hell of a lot less offenses. And then, as it’s been stated before, the fact that the Russian DotMil essentially didn’t raise a finger to stop him? Granted there were a couple of choppers and planes ‘supposedly’ shot down, but that, to me remains to be seen, as the propaganda these days? Almost impossible to sort the wheat from the chaff.

    I do know and have gotten word on where Wagner did end up:

    The NATO Kids and everyone was so thrilled at the idea of a Mutiny, how much you want to bet that they started moving equipment towards the southern Edge of the Battlespace with the intent of pushing (again) into the Kherson A.O.? Any bets they didn’t think this might be a head-fake?

    ‘Cos now they have the Russian Tip of The Spear sitting about a HOP-SKIP-AND-A-JUMP from the Heart of Kiev.

    This “mutiny” was an active Markirovka that allowed Putin to move 25-35000 of his most hardcore fighters openly and publically to the very edge of Kiev, and NO ONE NOTICED OR REALIZED IT.

    Well Played, if in fact this’s what was the case.

    I’d say so, yeah. Not to worry though, the “Free” World is in the very best of hands; Biden’s Bunglers are on the case, and no doubt know exactly what they’re doing, here as everywhere else. I’m confident their countermove is going to be every bit as brilliant as their Sooperdoopergenius!™ ploy of getting the Ukraine-Russia prelude to “nooklear combat toe-to-toe with the Russkies” underway to begin with was. Sing that sweet song of “victory” one more time for us, MAJ Kong!

  4. The main thing all the crap in Ukraine has shown me is how many people on the supposed right are absolute smooth brains. The extent of their thinking is "I don't like Biden, Biden doesn't like Putin, therefore Putin = good". That and according to them, NOTHING in the world happens for any reason other then reacting to the US, it's all State Department or CIA the only, pretty much the only exception are those still blaming everything on the Jews.

  5. Kind of amusing.
    The US and NATO are just about out of ammunition and men and Russia hasn't even attacked them yet much less China.
    According to the media and our reliable government sources Putin has been losing the SMO in Ukraine since the very first day and is bound to lose, because, hearts are pure or something.
    There is just about nothing left in Ukraine to resist but the fanciest seers in the world persist in believing that Russia loses if there is no regime change and Triumph in Kiev and Moscow at the end of hostilities. They weren't paying attention in history about how the Great Game is/was played.
    Every single action taken by the West/NATO/US to shore up and defend Ukraine has left us weaker, only made things a thousand times worse in Ukraine and hasn't so much as impacted the average Russian on the street. Way to go chumps.
    Keep playing.

  6. The problem is that Putin is the current commander in chief of a nuclear power.

    Where does it go from here?
    Does he use low grade tactical nukes on the battlefield, does he last long enough to put a warhead in orbit over the US and pop off an EMP if threatened?

    How much actual operational control does he exercise over the trigger pullers in his nuclear forces?

    Because I don't see him going to go the way of Kadaffy or Saddam Hussein.

    And he doesn't need 100% of the nuclear forces operational officers to stay loyal to him, it doesn't take many to make it a very bad day for the rest of the world.

    Putin is 70 years old and has amassed a multibillion dollar fortune.

    Best thing to do would be to cut a deal with him.
    Let him retire to a nice secure place in Finland or Switzerland, let someone who Putin knows.wont send the FSB after him, like Medvedev take over, with the understanding that he has to negotiate a peace in Ukraine.

    Otherwise, if Putin thinks that all he can look forward to is a hangman's noose, or the Kadaffy treatment, then he's going to hold as if his life depends on it, because it will.

    The media has been telling us for years that he's an evil sumofabitch, well, not that I believe anything that they say but what if that actually is the case?
    Because what's the alternative to cutting a deal! If he is as half as vile as we're being told, then why wouldn't he pop off a few nukes on the way a
    down, all GeneralJack D.Ripper like?

    1. Finland would turn him over in a heartbeat. Putin has cost Finland millions of euros due to his threats and now he has cost them Finland’s neutrality. The Finns are a quiet, peaceful people who enjoy their coffee, the Tango and the natural beauty around them but, they also love their Heavy Metal, created Moti tactics, the Molotov cocktail and the word Sisu that is impossible to translate into any language but is somewhere between crazy-brave and Superman heroic. So Putin, don’t try any moves near Finland.

  7. Good news, eh. Have you set a date for the surrender? Seriously, the Ruskies have been loosing non stop from the get go. Now this, the latest greatest tragedy should kick the legs right out from underneath Putin and the Russian Armed Forces.

    So when is the surrender, give or take a couple of days?

  8. Another implication is what happens in Syria and Africa where the majority of Russian boots on the ground are from Wagner?

    If they pull our the Wagner troops, who are they going to replace them with?

    If they leave them in place, that's several formed groups of trained men, outside the range of direct intervention from Moscow, who are either loyal to Wagner, or to the highest bidder, but probably not Putin.

    Not that the PRC have been trying to get their nose under the African tent for years now. Nope, nothing to see there.

  9. Yawn.

    Russia will not lose the war against the Rothschild talmud. Rump Ukraine is done.

  10. One other thing:

  11. Aesop, here's your support:

    I don't hate to tell you you that your evaluation are shit.

  12. Additional point- could you imagine Generals Zhukov, Yeryomenko, or Rokossovsky even talking about doing this to Stalin? I would bet that even dreaming of doing this would wake up Russian generals with sweats and heart palpitations.

    Prigozhin showed Russia that Putin is his suka.

  13. "An unwinnable war, a collapsing economy, a demoralized population, a fragmented elite, an incompetent leader, and an ineffective and demoralized army" Are you talking about Russia or the US?

  14. Why did Progy stop?

  15. Aesop,
    With all there any event that could possibly occur in the months ahead, that would change your mind regarding Russia/Putin/(the)Ukraine?

  16. Me, I'm just hoping that the guys in charge of Russia's nuclear missiles are level-leaded, in case Putin decides that he's going to take the world down with him when he goes.

  17. Aesop,

    Classic Aesop.

    At a minimum, even your opponents on the issue, if they are honest, should concede that your views are entertaining.

    We'll need more time to see if the Ukrainians can take full advantage of Putin's predicament in the last three days. As much of a blood bath the war has been for Russia, Ukraine has bled horrifically, too.

    The question now is which side will blink first?

  18. @elysianfield,

    1)Russia could start winning battles, doing maneuver warfare, under air support, and moving toward Kiev, instead of towards Moscow, pushing the Ukrainians that the idiot-savants keep claiming don't exist out of the way like we did the Republican Guards in 1991.

    2) The rest of the world could tell Ukraine "You're on your own", and shut off the tap of money and weapons.

    3) The sanctions on Moscow could be lifted, and all embargoes ended.

    All of those would mark a fundamental change that would turn the tables.
    I wouldn't be getting my hopes up.

    But if and when you see any of those conditions apply, give a holler.

    And BTW, the people that think this war has had zero effect on Russia and average Russians aren't paying any attention at all, and telling us they don't know WTF they're talking about, without telling us they don't know WTF they're talking about.

    That's between 75 and 90% of the naysayers. They see nothing, because they aren't looking, and so they're whole perspective is just ignorant rah-rah from know-nothings who've never done any critical thinking on this beyond "Biden bad, therefore Putin Hero!"

    They won't be argued out of this with common sense and logic, because they didn't get to where they are using either.

    They're still doing all their thinking with the Little Buddy in their underpants, and it shows.

  19. Agreed - huge crack. Don't know if this is at all survivable by Vlad.

  20. Aesop

    Just one piece of anecdotal evidence.

    My friend is married to a western Ukrainian lady and their circle of Ukrainian expats here in the UK are pretty much 100% on the ‘this is a stunning piece of maskirova to reposition Wagner forces’

    Whether this reflects a fairly gloomy world view and borderline nihilism regarding Russia/putin or a conspiracy mindset is beyond me. But the very cautious, nay lack of response by the UAF suggests this suspicion is widespread.

    Myself I am gonna be watching for what Shoigu and Gerasimov get up to in the near future. This cynical mind thinks recently demoted general surovikin was suspiciously fast out the gates with a televised message to prigozihin. Has he been stirring the pot for political advantage?

  21. Aesop,

    Of all the entries in your hit parade I would have a quibble with #9. What you may not know is that a significant number of 2nd tier flunkies did a self-own by bugging off to parts-not-Mockba. That is 2 - Love for Putin. Rather than having to fund a 5th floor window pusher for the opposition, such as it is in Russia, they bugged out never to return.

    As to Shoigu and Gerasimov, ditching them was prudent Shoigu was not military anything and Gerasimov was the floor polisher for Shoigu dick. The 'coup' was convenient cover for Putin to ditch them both.

    On the lighter side, Zelensky how has to sweat. Wagner will now be just a 100 klicks from Kiev. UA will have to respond to a possible Doolitle Raid* by holding back troops in the Kiev Orblast that should be at the front.

    * For the smooth brains in the crowd, look it up. Review the reaction to the event.

  22. One other thing, the strategic landscape does not change much in the SMO for Russia. To survive UA MUST win, where as for RU they merely have to hold in order to win. That's the military equation. The political equation is the wild card in the whole mess.

  23. RandyGC @4:11,

    I don't think the RU forces in Syria have much to worry about. Local command for RU-US have direct comms to each other. Last event, some brave souls made a stupid move. US requested confirm with RU. Nyet was the reply, and Wagner ended up on the receiving end of an AC130 gunship.

  24. Michael:

    "The NATO Kids and everyone was so thrilled at the idea of a Mutiny, how much you want to bet that they started moving equipment towards the southern Edge of the Battlespace with the intent of pushing (again) into the Kherson A.O.? Any bets they didn’t think this might be a head-fake?

    ‘Cos now they have the Russian Tip of The Spear sitting about a HOP-SKIP-AND-A-JUMP from the Heart of Kiev.

    This “mutiny” was an active Markirovka that allowed Putin to move 25-35000 of his most hardcore fighters openly and publically to the very edge of Kiev, and NO ONE NOTICED OR REALIZED IT."

    This is trolling. This HAS to be trolling. It's not physically possible for dumbassery on this scale to exist outside of a mental institution. I refuse to believe it. A just deity would not permit it.


    "One other thing, the strategic landscape does not change much in the SMO for Russia. To survive UA MUST win, where as for RU they merely have to hold in order to win. That's the military equation. The political equation is the wild card in the whole mess."

    Refer to Napoleon: "the moral is to the physical as three to one". How many Russian guys in the trenches now have greater confidence in being effectively backed up by the systemes behind them than they did a week ago? How many Russian soldiers are going to fight harder when things get uncertain, and trust that their comrades-in-arms and leadership will back them up?

    The military equation has very definitely changed.

  25. Russia is an enigma, wrapped in a riddle, etc. so interpretation of recent events is guess work. progozhin's drive through the countryside may be many things.

    Prigozhin knows that he is one oligarch among many. He has shown his worth by ruthlessly paying the blood price to take Bakhmut. He has warned Putin that the Russian civilians and regular army is not to be trusted. Hence his easy ride toward Moscow. The "KGB", Border Guards, Air Force and Speznatz get the pick of the recruits. The regular army gets the dregs. Prigozhin "show" demonstrates how little control Putin has in the perimeter.

    Belarus is a non-trivial prize. "President for Life" Lukashenko(a) is at death's door. Belarus (the Northern Rus,NOT White Russia) are central to Putin's dreams of a new Russian "Empire". The Belarus population is a continuation of that in the Ukraine and Poland. Putin needs an effective and ruthless leader to replace Lukashenko. Prigozhin seems to fill the bill.

    Prigozhin's ride through the Russian countryside was risky, hence Putin "bailed", leaving Moscow for the Second Capital in the North. Putin is no fool. Prigozhin's army is desciplined but full of ex-cons and non-Russian "foreigners"., so they aren't really trusted. I'd bet that the "tactical nukes" sent to Belarus are under the control of picked Russian troops. The entire armies of Wagner anf Belarus are not big enough to threaten the Ukraine or Moscow. But a generation of submission may make Belarus a "safe" friend of Russia.

    The whole thing is amazing and intricate but Putin ain't no patsy. Putin came out of the KGB, so he understands playing the angles. Putin probably doesn't "trust" Prigozhin but "paying him off" with an entire country may solve lots of problems. Prigozhin will probably be too busy in Belarus to threaten Moscow's control of Russia, which is Putin's primary focus. Putin needed a replacement for Lukashenko. Problem solved. The "escape" of Lukashenko's family to Turkey was part of the show. Flying over Russia showed "trust". Turning off a transponder doesn't matter to missiles or guns. It was a planned exit.

    This appears to be a great show. Putin gets rid of a troublesome power center, humiliates the regular army, at the cost of giving away a country that he doesn't really control anyway. That solves several problems for Putin. The "theater" is just a distraction for the Russian population and the West.


  26. The general rule of thumb is that it is the defender who has time on their side, not the aggressor. It's Ukraine that just has to hold on, not Russia- the same as it was in Afghanistan, Vietnam, the Balkans, ect.
    Even Machiavelli explicitly pointed out that if a weaker can withstand the onslaught of the stronger, they'll probably win.
    The aggressor has to have something to show their people, some obvious gain for all the time and sacrifice. The longer the thing continues, it stops being an obvious gain and becomes an obvious loss. And many, many strategic thinkers have long noted that long operations are inevitably unsuccessful ones.
    That a major leader of Putin's Praetorian guard attempted this and was allowed to just change his mind and leave is a major sign of weakness. Prigozhin wasn't fought to a standstill and forced to retreat. He wasn't given a spa treatment at the Lubyanka followed by 9 grams of lead.
    What Prigozhin did was walk up to Putin's door and pissed on his doormat while Brave Sir Putin hid in his basement and pissed himself.

  27. Amazing how much changed over the weekend…

  28. i was just having a similar argument (no, conversation) with The Darling Wife ref Mr. Musk and Twitter. She observed that he was not in any real way, "our guy". I agreed. OTOH, watching him make leftists' heads twirl is vastly entertaining.

    Similar with Mr. Putin. While he speaks, occasionally, things that I might agree with, he is in no way "my guy". OTOH, I am vastly entertained by other folks twisting their foundation garments into knots as they broken-field-run their way through life.

    "Yay! He's Anti Gay!"

    "Booh! he kills opponents!"

    "Yay! He is against Nazis!"

    "Booh! He invaded a neighboring country!"

    And so forth.

  29. Joe,
    The general rule of thumb is that amateurs talk tactics, while the professionals talk logistics. Short lines of communication favors the larger entity. When the law is one of the tooth and claw, size matters.

  30. ALCON:
    A few replies I embargoed until today, so I could give them proper attention.
    Anonymous screeds, as usual, get sent to the Ether Bunny.

    @HMS Delusion,
    Your psychosis does not constitute actual facts.
    Putin's been losing according to official Russian sources, since about the 1st of March. His attempt at a coup de main on Kiev at the outset cost him heavily in aircraft and elite airborne troops, and was a pratfall that pulled the pants down on the entire Russian military paper bear. They're clearly ursus circenses, not the maritimus, arctos middendorfii, nor arctos horibilis species.

    Given there are no NATO forces in Ukraine, your bald assertion that NATO is "out of men" is particularly troubling, from a psychological point of view. Put the paint can down, and wipe the residue from under your nose.

    And the average Russian on the street is notably poorer than a year and a half ago, in a shoddily Potemkined economy that's still contracted notably, with GDP down 2.1%, wiping out the last 10 years of previous gains, their exports down 15% overall, and oil revenues down 15% last year, and headed for a 25% drop this year. Thanks to Vlad, it's 1990 in Moscow again, and even selling oil and gas to China and India at fire sale prices couldn't prop things up.

    Thanks for playing, and we have some lovely parting gifts for you.

    Your facetious is noted. But inflection is not altitude, and there's a whole lot of decline available in any empire. Until it augers into a smoking hole. Stay tuned.

  31. @Pat,

    Your YouTube link was to the Battle of Midway.
    Refresh my memory:
    Did I forget about Nimitz' attack on Pearl Harbor afterwards?
    Was there some coup attempt by Yamamoto on the Emperor as a result of the debacle, of which I'm unaware?
    Or did you just grab the wrong link?
    I don't think that video was the telling blow you meant to land.

    And your "proof" from RT? Srsly??
    1) You understand that RT stands for Russia Times, a wholly owned subsidiary of the FSB and Putin Inc., right? And as reliable on such matters as one might expect?
    2) Or did you intend to imply that just because Blinken came to the same conclusions I did (which were bog-obvious to anyone, hence the post title), albeit a day later, we must both somehow be wrong, because reasons?

    This showing is beneath you.
    My analysis was spot-on, and shaved with a precision that would have satisfied William of Ockham.
    Your sources, OTOH, were crap. So all that leaves you is naked gainsaying.
    You can do better than that.

  32. @stuartrc,

    Paranoia is a Slavic article of faith, but historically, Russian maskirovka doesn't require the beclownment of the leader of the nation, the heads of the military, and the entire so-called "justice" apparatchiks.
    They have neither the level of wit, self-assurance, nor the self-depricating subtlety such an approach would require.

    Prigozhin made Putin fellate himself on command, and there's no walking that back, at home nor abroad.
    Putin doubtless would like to do something about that, but the fact that Prigozhin made it happen at all indicates that Putin is much less in-control than he wishes, and far less than anyone anywhere would have previously believed. Much like the revelation of Russian military incompetence on a massive scale.

    Exactly like the Biden/Harris conundrum, the brighter lights in Western intelligence and departments of state have two top fears:
    One is that Putin survives in power.
    The other is that he doesn't. (The devil you know, etc.).

    But until Putin's gone, the war in Ukraine continues until it cannot.
    I doubt Putin thought he was embarking on a "with your shield, or on it" gambit when he invaded Ukraine this time, but that's what massive miscalculation, and then a redoubled slugging and kicking of this particular tar baby has gotten him.

    Boo frickin' hoo. Couldn't happen to a nicer murdering thug.

  33. @Anon 4:30P,

    Amazing how much became obvious over the weekend, and becomes more so with every passing hour.

  34. When it comes to logistics, the Russian logistics are utterly and totally buggered, as is finest Russian traditions. Because supply & logistics was a nice piggybank for the well connected to dip into if one wanted a nice dacha or an apartment in Paris, depending on how much they could steal.
    Then war happens, and you get a bunch of short supplied mobniks with rusty old gear being slaughtered en masse. It's just today they get cardboard body armor to go with the whole lot of nothing.

  35. "Putin and Shoigu, by contrast, are the LBJ and McNamara of this war". That's just mean. At least Putin looks good in a suit.

  36. Well Golly Gee, looks like I called it.....

