Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Back, But Gone Viral


Come for the drama, stay for the hidden curative recipes.

And not in a good way. Likely not COVID, just garden variety crud, courtesy of at least one of any number of folks I was around over the weekend.

Nothing I can do about that but guzzle gallons of water and Gatorade, and pop ibuprofen and acetaminophen on schedule.

And appreciate the fact that this is the first time I've been sick at all in about 4 years. Almost like handwashing works or something.

But I've got metric tons of sick days banked, so I think I'ma take a few.

Best Wishes. Regular posting will resume when I feel like it, if anything strikes my fancy.

Totally not missing the ongoing SSDD vibe of the banana republic. Things will continue until they cannot. Then times get interesting. In a Chinese curse sort of way.


  1. Suddenly...(TM)

  2. Population control, one booster at a time.

  3. Take some wilderness time to recharge the batteries like you did around Tahoe I think a few years ago. Yeah I give you shit but it's not personal. We all need each other when the time arrives. I have some ivermectin paste or injectable I would ship you at no charge like I've offered a few others on these here innerwebz if you're so inclined.

    Everything is a psyop.

  4. vit d 1000iu x 2
    vit c 1000mg x 2
    zinc picolinate 15mg x 2
    plaquenil 200mg x 2
    all for five days
    can add dexamethasone 6mg once a day in mornings 5 days

  5. Aesop, I don't see Vit C in your list of crud meds. I credit that with helping to keep me healthy, except for a bout with Omicron over the last several decades. 500mg 2x daily. YMMV. Hope your feeling better.


  6. I already do vitamins daily.
    But they don't reduce fever, or anything at all for that "run over by a truck" feeling.

  7. Suck it up Aesop…I need my fix daily.

  8. "You better listen to him, he's pre-med"
    Hope yer ok bro.

  9. Well, you follow the advice in the video clip and try a strong shot of whiskey! Feel better.

  10. OT Alert:

    Well, looks like Alec is off the hook:


  12. @hwnn,
    Thanks, man. Made my day!
