Thursday, March 2, 2023

Why It's Called "Programming"

 h/t WRSA


  1. The eternal African question.

    1. Funny how it wasn’t an issue for the northern states in 1917. Northern blacks had higher IQs than southern whites, and tended to be less promiscuous.

  2. In this case, I can see why Guinevere would cheat. Of Course she'd want the black guy, being with (presumably) white Arthur is Raaaaycisss...

  3. "We wuz kings!"

    What the hell ever happened to outrage about "cultural appropriation." Are ya tellin' me it only works one way???

  4. It is for the ancient Marxists who still have that good old Black and White view of the world. They forget that most of the founding population were sold into slavery because they were "useless" (dim, violent, uncooperative, criminal). Those entranced by the class-based Identity model usually ignore that West African selection process and prefer to blame the deficits and violence of the Black population on White racism. That is easier on those with advanced degrees in basket weaving and ethnic dance. Those sold into slavery were available for sale since they were useless to their tribal brethren. Cause and effect, etc. it ain't "smart" that matters.

    1. And the racial collectivists make the same mistakes, merely swapping race for class.

  5. I cancelled Netflix years ago and have never had HBO... Those decisions keep looking better and better!

  6. Watching "Sully" yesterday and was struck by the "whiteness" of the cast--nearly everyone from the flight crew, air traffic control, ferry crews, first responders, NTSB investigators, etc., was I suspect cast as the race they actually were. For a film released just in 2016.

  7. Admittedly, most of these are from TV that is less historically accurate than Monty Python, but the meme still works.

    Now all we need is a “Woman King” meme with a white tranny instead of Viola Davis…

  8. Where is the White guy playing Othello?
    Bad history is worse than bad fiction. Both are a waste of time, but bad history corrupts the present.
    John in Indy

  9. "Funny how it wasn’t an issue for the northern states in 1917. Northern blacks had higher IQs than southern whites, and tended to be less promiscuous."

    Well, I doubt that there was much race-swapping going on in Hollywood at the time, insofar as the film industry was still in its infancy in 1917.

    Around the turn of 20th century the South had a serious problem with widespread pellagra, a disease which causes cognitive difficulties among other things. The cause was finally identified as a nutritional deficiency caused by a lack of niacin, which was in turn caused by a heavy reliance on un-nixtamalized corn, plus new flour and corn grinding methods that stripped out the niacin-rich parts of the grain (in the case pf wheat, ball-grinding and the transition to white instead of whole grain flour, IIRC). It wasn't until the 1920s that experimental evidence proved that it was a dietary deficiency and not a bacterial disease, as had long been believed, and not until the end of the Second World War and the end of the Great Depression that the underlying economic causes dealt with sufficiently that it ceased to be a serious problem.

    That is it least in part where the "dumb southerner" stereotype came from, I think. The North has been somewhat less than enthusiastic about southern culture since at least the Revolutionary period, but "dumb" wasn't part of that until after the Civil War. I don't think.

    As for the promiscuity issues (which I assume is out-of-wedlock birth rates), I'm not too surprised that the cultural descendants of the Puritans, of whatever skin color, where less promiscuous than the Scots-Irish, which tend to be a bit more anarchic in just about every aspect of life. I recall reading some stats that suggested that throughout the 20th century Blacks as a whole had small but significantly higher unmarried birth rates than did Whites as a whole - something that surprised me a little at the time, having been told how stable the black family structure was prior to the Civil Rights Movement- but the situation was nowhere near as bad as it is now. The current post-apocalyptic wasteland that is the Black family structure can be safely attributed to government policy post-1965.

    -Grey Fox, who is a lot more comfortable with pre-1800 military history...

    1. The lower IQs in the old south were due to slavery and Jim Crow, not dieting. Copying Islamic slavery led to the old south adopting Islamic anti-intellectualism and created a massive brain drain decades before the Civil War. The plantations had a culture virtually identical to modern welfare ghettos, and Jim Crow kept the low-IQ firmly latched to the government rather than letting them fail and learn from their mistakes.

      The black family was a lot stronger before the welfare state, and it took the full night of the government to engineer the fatherlessness crisis they have today.

  10. Thomas Sowell's "Black Rednecks and White Liberals" also noted that the white culture of the South was based rooted in the ideals of the old English gentry. To them, actual work was abhorrent, something beneath those who aspire to the rank of gentlemen. Only landed income was acceptable.
