Thursday, February 2, 2023

Don't Drive Angry



  1. I'll drive angry if I want to, cause "I'm not going to live by their rules anymore".

  2. "He might be okay."
    "Well, no, probably not now."

  3. But I like to drive angry and some people are still unclear on the roundabout concept.

  4. Round-a-bouts totally suck. In my small town, the one main road the round-a-bout was supposed to eliminate traffic backups, welp:
    No, same, same.
    Cost?? Wrecks, same.

  5. If Kamala sees her shadow, do we have six more months of Biden?

  6. Is it just me, but Bill seems happy as a clam,
    Phil on the other hand looks Mad as Hell (and he isn't gonna take no more)...
    AND it looks like Phil is the one drivin' this right off the cliff,
    GRRRRRRR, 4 day lock down wit Ice, it's TEXAS we DON"T do winter
    Sorry, I'll go over and sit in me corner...

    MSG Grumpy

  7. I understand roundabouts completely. They are nothing but a way to funnel taxpayer money to crony contractors. Roundabouts were a big thing in the 60s. Then it was declared that they were not as safe as conventional intersections and most of them were removed. Now the PTB are again claiming that they are better/safer. In about 10 to 15 more years, they will be out of fashion again and the contractors will again be paid more taxpayer money to take them back out again, and again the politicians will get their "campaign contributions" from the contractors.

  8. They put a roundabout at an intersection at the bottom of a long hill in my town that 18-wheelers use to deliver pre-built steel ship modules to the local shipyard. Those dudes just drive straight over it; it’s hilarious too see as long as you’re not in it at the time.
