Thursday, January 5, 2023

Finally! Entertaining Sportsball

Much funnier than watching Moscow try to take Kiev, and almost as funny as watching Emperor Stumblefuck Poopypants try to form coherent sentences without crapping himself.

And for all the punditry that claims "conservatives" never conserved anything: HTF do you expect them to do that, when there are apparently only 20 of them out of 222 nominal Republicans in the House? (And that's probably a high-water mark in the last 50 years.)

BTW, we note in passing, there is no requirement anywhere whatsoever that the Speaker of the House be a sitting congressweasel. Which means, just for giggles, that the Republicants (not a typo) could, if they so chose, elect President Donald J. Trump to the post, and there's fuck-all anyone else could do about it. He would thus preside over the entire run of the 118th Congress in the House of Representatives, assign committee seats, decide what bills moved forward for voting, etc., yet without a vote himself on any bills.

Just for the comedy factor, it'd be a YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE win, while emphasizing the smallness and ineptitude of Emperor Poopypants to serve as the selected Fraudulent.

Just saying.


  1. Well, it would be entertaining.

  2. Rom your keyboard to God's eyes, Brother!
    That'd be the most fun thing to happen in the last 900 days or so...

    Boat Guy

  3. Aesop,

    Just for general information, it may surprise a great many people to learn that there is no constitutional requirement that a Supreme Court justice be a lawyer. When the Constitution was written, there were no law schools.

    Of course, the chance today that a non-lawyer could ever be appointed to SCOTUS is somewhere between slim and none.

  4. I'm thinking we might as well embrace the crash and appoint AOC.

  5. That would be hilarious. Even someone nominating him and having a vote on the floor would show the disdain many have in our current "leaders". Even if he received the job, I doubt much would change. But it would be something new and different from the crap we've had for decades. Bread and Circuses.

  6. It would be worth it just to see the left and the never Trumpers heads explode.

  7. Imagine him at the SOTU speech. That would be hilarious.

  8. I'm a giver.

    But frankly, if Rush Limbaugh were alive today, he'd be campaigning for it on the hour, on-the-air.

    It would be brilliant.

  9. Ask and ye shall receive: Matt Gaetz nominated Trump, somewhere between the fifth and sixth votes, I believe.

    Somebody should nominate Terry Crews next.

  10. On voting rounds 8, 9, and 11 (not sure about 10) Matt Gaetz did in fact formally nominate Donald Trump for speaker, and voted for him on ruonds 8 and 9. On round 11 Trump got zero votes even though nominated.

    It was a funny idea but not surprising that it didn't go anywhere

  11. >And for all the punditry that claims "conservatives" never conserved anything
    They're usually conflating "conservative" and "conservationist."

  12. About that whole "Russia's artillery usage is unsustainable" thing...

  13. Durden's premise is risible, and the admiral who made the allusion is a four-star ignorant brasshole.
    If 155mm artillery rounds and Javelin missiles were the entirety of our military armaments, he might have a point.

    As it is, it's as jackassically transparently idiotic as suggesting that because we'd shipped all our pineapples and beef jerky to Ukraine, all of America was going to starve next year.

    If Durden stumbles over factual data about the current stock of 155mm arty rounds in the inventory vs. annual production of same, give a holler. But that would be one line item on a Pentagon budget that comprises an entire separate book in the federal budget.

    And if you fell for Durden's durpsplanation, let me know when the penny drops.

    [Hint for the terminally obtuse: How many Sidewinder and AMRAAM missiles are we shipping to Ukraine? Zero.
    How many 40mm grenades? Zero.
    How many iron bombs? Zero.
    How many smart bombs? Zero.
    How many naval 5" shells? Zero.
    How many 20mm rounds? Zero.
    How many 25mm rounds? Zero.
    How many 30mm rounds? Zero.
    How many depth charges? Zero.
    How many Mk 48 ADCAP torpedoes? Zero.
    How many Tomahawk TLAMs? Zero.
    The DoD munitions catalog runs to 700 pages. We could ship arms to Ukraine for 20 years at the current rate, even if we never made another round.
    And all this, as the Army transitions from .223 to 6.8 ammunition for the main battle rifle.
    With a military annual budget that's larger than that of the next eleven nations, combined. You could look it up.

    For comparison, Russia's annual military budget ranks eighth, behind Japan, and just ahead of South Korea, and we spend 15½ times what they do, every single year.

    The idea that a half-assed conflict in Ukraine is going to run us out of bullets this millenium is quite simply retarded, prima facie.
    So did you really want to talk about real world military logistics, or just make chit-chat?]
