Monday, December 5, 2022

When You're Retarded, Everything Sounds Like "Science"

 h/t 90 Miles From Tyranny

This kind of idiocy is why we're doomed:

Not even N95 masks work to stop COVID.

Which then links to an article from the Brown Underpants Institute pimping some cockamamie horsesh*t purporting to support the same recockulous contention.

Which finally links to the actual study, concocted by midwits, and published by actual halfwits, in the Annals Of Internal Medicine.

You can read the study yourself.

For the TL;DR crowd, allow me to summarize.

One group was people who sometimes have access to N95 masks.

The control group did not.

Lo and behold, the rate of COVID among both groups is roughly equal.

Therefore, N95s offer no additional protection.

QED, if you were one of the two co-stars of Dumb and Dumber.

What they didn't do was study people who wore N95 masks 24/7, even while sleeping.

They didn't study the function of N95 masks themselves.

They studied people who sometimes had access to N95 masks.

Natzsofast, Guido.

Let's put it another way.

Suppose you wanted to test whether parachutes work better than nothing.

But you didn't drop 50 people suitably equipped with a parachute, versus throwing 50 random convicts wearing just boxer shorts out of a perfectly good airplane at 10,000', and compare the results for each group to determine whether parachutes worked as advertised. Oh, no, bucko. That would be too easy.

What you did instead, was study people in the 82nd Airborne Division, who sometimes had access to parachutes.

And then compare the death rate to, say, the 1st Armored Division, who don't.

If somebody in the 82nd Airborne dies in a car crash, it's those fucking worthless parachutes.

Fell off a cliff, without a chute? Those damned worthless parachutes.

Shot by a jealous husband? Another parachute fail.

Died from drinking to the point of respiratory arrest, on a three day liberty in Fayetteville? Those damned parachutes again.

Drilled into your head with a hammer drill and a 1" bit? Parachutes don't work for you, either.

Stop me when the penny drops for you.

That's the sort of grant-funded gold-plated fucktard-driven "research" the shit-for-brains editorial staff at AOIM printed, with a straight face.

FFS, those mouth-breathing shitheads even told you they were this transparently stupid right up front. This is like scooping baby shit out of a diaper, and putting sliced bananas next to it and whipped cream on top at Baskin Robbins, and telling you it's ice cream.

And you eating it.

And then someone with no idea how actual science works reads the headline, which tickles their confirmation bias like a lesbian's vibrator running on plutonium, and we're off to the races.

Hint For The 80-IQ Booger Eaters

You can't test something by looking at the results among people who aren't using it 24/7/365.

If you want to test seatbelts, you test them by people wearing them versus people not wearing them, while they're actually driving.

You do not lump in the deaths of all people from 187 other causes, compared to people who ride busses with no seatbelts, and use them to prove seatbelts don't work.

This is so fucktardedly simple it's embarrassing to even need to mention it, but the general IQ, let alone science sensibility, has sunk so far, it's like taking the "Remove Shirt Before Ironing" warning, and making it a class for college credit.

And it's now percolated up to people in the blogosphere with less sense about that than God gave a jackass.

That whoever pimped this wasn't taken out behind the building and shot, or tarred and feathered, is why society as you know it is doomed, and that includes people so jaw-droppingly stupid as to reprint it at face value.

For the Pedantically Stupid (You know who you are):
It may have escaped your notice, but this is not an argument for or against the efficacy of any mask for any purpose. It's an argument against bullshit being perpetrated as science, and average idiots too stupid to tell the two apart.
But thanks a pantload in advance for proving why it needed to be addressed, thanks to your Common Core education, as any number of anonymous comments are likely to prove beyond all doubt.


  1. Correct me if I'm wrong (I know you will :) ) but I want to understand the masking thing for real.

    Masks - surgical, N95 or the more complicated ones - can have an effect on Covid transmission if used properly the way the were intended in an ideal situation.

    But the larger determining factor is the ability of the person who uses them and how they use them.

    An N95 for someone with a beard is next to useless as I understand.

    A surgical mask where the grocery clerk is pulling it away from their face to breath on occasion, rubbing their nose and face and then their mask, wearing it under their nose at times, again, is pretty useless.

    And under real world conditions with people with no medical training and no real inclination to follow strict medical procedures for wearing the masks, the masks will have little effect overall on the transmission of the virus in the population.

    BUT, and this is important, for the INDIVIDUAL who DOES follow the procedures properly, they can make a difference to them personally on catching or transmitting the virus.

    Is that correct, Aesop? Thanks for taking the time here that you do.

  2. Here it is, in one lesson:

    Questions entertained after the presentation.

  3. How about the populations where the participants poke each other's eyes out to produce double blind populations? Does that improve relevance in the numerical evaluation?

  4. No questions. That covers it. Thank you.

    Oh, look at the date: APRIL 22, 2020

    Almost like we could have saved ourselves a lot of bullshit if we had listened to people who actually know things.

  5. I clearly recall Duckter Faulci solemnly declaring on network Tee Wee that "Masks are useless!"

    I 'bout inhaled my mustache.

    The Darling Wife-Mark II learned several new prayers.

    Well, The Creator's name was prominently featured, adjacent to several entertaining in concept, unlikely in practice, romantic juxtapositions.

    Gosh, suppose somebody who actually saw real patients had been consulted?

    After nearly 50 years in The Sick People Business, my TB skin test is still negative. But, "masks are useless"


  6. I always stop at "studies show"

  7. Even the math in the Brownstone study is in error.

  8. Biggest reason this happens is because journalists as a whole are stupid. Most of the ones I have met are dumber than a box that used to have rocks in it but all the rocks fell out. They read the summary at the beginning of the study and apply their ignorance to come up with the article, and then that article is used as primary source for the next moron's take on it.

    (Please don't start the "I am/I know a journalist who is super smarter than you" argument. I put enough weasel words in my comment that you can rest assured I don't mean your second cousin's wife who works at the local newspaper and totally knows stuff.)

  9. They're almost as "pedantically stupid" as the cultist DumbFucks frenetically circle-jerking about docketed "case" No. 22-380: "In this bonus episode I go over this case that people are imagining "might" result in getting rid of congressmen and the president. It is utter nonsense. It is a perfect example of how CONstitutional CONservatives in media have totally screwed us by brainwashing."
    A SCOTUS case floating around will NOT remove 385 congressmen -
