Saturday, December 31, 2022

Going, Going, ...

We've been enjoying the holiday season hereabouts, as well as working our regular job for most of the actual holidays. Tonight will be no exception. Hence a lot of periods of late where we've been content to coast, rhetorically speaking. Sure, we'd like to offer up something substantial to wrap up the year, but let's face it: it's been a craptastic year in nearly every way, and summarizing 2022 could be done more than justice simply by micing up the porcelain fixtures in the lavatory of any decent chili contest, and hit the nail squarely on the head by broadcasting the auditory highlights thereof. We are sure we are not alone in expressing our happiness at seeing the back end of 2022 finally going by in the parade of years.

There's also the fact that we've already put out 599 posts this year (counting this one), the second highest tally we've recorded in any year since launching this blog fourteen years ago, so we certainly haven't been slacking off in product. Based on views and comments, the shrieking poo-flinging anonymous baboon contingent notwithstanding, we think we've done more than our fair share for the year.

We'd rather save our efforts for when something moves us appropriately, the better for your humble scribe, and you our readers, to enjoy a holiday weekend. We may offer something more substantial after the calendar page turns, once we have more time for reflective contemplation. But for the moment, we are content to wish all concerned a Happy New Year, with hopes that it will turn out to be better for everyone than 2022 was, rather than worse. Time will tell about that all too soon.

We only hope that we have informed, entertained, or encouraged you from time to time this past year, and possibly given you something to think about that you wouldn't have otherwise done, and simply thank you all for dropping by this year, while aspiring to remain worthy of your visits next year.



  1. Thanks Aesop, best wishes for a smooth New Year's Eve. Always appreciate the opportunity to swing by for some raconteur wisdom. We don't always agree, but I don't care to live in an echo chamber either. Outstanding year for the blog IMHO!

    Delta Mike

  2. You have, Aesop. Thank you, and happy New Year.

  3. Always hated working at the Hospital New Years Eve. Lots of amateur drunks coming in upset tummies and of course the GSWs and knifings. Good luck and Happy New Year.

  4. Here's hoping that "22" aren't the "good ol' days".

  5. Happy New Year, from one cranky old bastard to another.

  6. You have indeed informed us in an often entertaining manner in this and many previous years, my Brother.
    Best to you in the coming year.
    Boat Guy

  7. Aesop, yer a prince among men.

    Seriously, I've admiried your writing style for lo these several years.

    We see eye to eye on 97.4 % of topics.

    Thanks for all the free ice crem and distilled wisdom!

    May 2023 suck far less than 2022 for you.


  8. Uh, sir, I have only two words for you . . .
    Wagstaff Lecture
    Wagstaff Lecture
    Wagstaff Lecture
    Wagstaff Lecture
    Wagstaff Lecture
    Wagstaff Lecture
    Wagstaff Lecture

  9. Don't get ahead of the class, JW. ;) It's on the rotisserie for this week.
