Saturday, September 3, 2022

More Great News!


O frabjous day! Callou! Callay!

Nice to see that the Almighty maintains His sense of humor.

May it be a long and painful process. Hanging on until Jan. 21, 2025 would be a special boon.

And hurt a lot. It's a pity you won't be staying at a hospice run by the North Vietnamese Army. Having as nurses the sons and daughters of South Vietnamese refugees would be a close second place.

And pray, pick a burial site out on the West Coast. I'd rather drive to the gravesite I intend to piss upon, rather than have to book a flight. The line to do so is liable to stretch for miles in any event, for some good time after she finally succumbs.

I will not attend the funeral, but I will send a note assuring my heartiest approval.


  1. My it be a long and agonizing journey to the end.

  2. Now that you mentioned the whore of hanoi, this reminds me I gotta go buy some more hanoi jane urinal targets for the local VFW.

  3. "The line to do so is liable to stretch for miles"

    Hundreds, nuts to butts and I'll be one of them.


  4. I'm more in line with James Webb: "Jane Fonda can kiss my ass. I wouldn't cross the street to watch her slit her wrists."

    OTOH, there might be a business opportunity if you have a pushcart rigged with a keg and a tap. Wouldn't want anyone to come up dry, after all...

  5. Good riddance to bad rubbish! You may have to stand in line to piss on her grave.

  6. Good one! I hadn't heard that from the Scots-Irish Senator...

  7. As usual, the comments are all on par with the article. All of which I heartily approve!

  8. I have to add to my earlier comment...

    I have always said, and said to anyone that would stand still to listen, that I would forgive Jane Fonda when the Jews forgave Hitler.

    But I must recant...I'm afraid that the Jews might forgive Hitler....

  9. A Blessing to all of us, but especially to the Military Men who suffered because of her treachery. I hope that this bitch knows true fear and agony.
